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The original was posted on /r/explainlikeimfive by /u/bryan_ripj on 2023-06-27 18:31:28+00:00.

I have this ChatGPT-esque definition or analogy, I dont mind if it’s TOO simplified

just pls tell me if its fundamentally wrong or inaccurate

and if you have a more accurate but equally simple to grasp definition or analogy

We can use the analogy of a “drawer” to simplify the concept of Active Directory. In this analogy, Active Directory can be compared to a drawer that holds and organizes various objects such as users, groups, computers, printers, and other network resources. Each of these objects can be thought of as a file within the drawer, and Active Directory helps manage and categorize them in a hierarchical structure, similar to how a drawer organizes different items. While this analogy captures the basic idea of organization and categorization, it still overlooks the full functionality and complexity of Active Directory.