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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/zacharye1216 on 2023-06-27 18:39:22+00:00.

I entered my home, forever…A three-story house baked in a warm yellow color. A house belonging to my family for generations. The first man on my side of the family would live in the house, Completely free of all charge after marriage.

I’ve always thought it was dumb, and besides, I never thought I would get this house anyway. For the first twenty years of my life, I had no hope of finding a girlfriend, but then I met Irene, a woman with a smile warmer than the sun. It didn’t take me long to realize I was meant for her, so I proposed after a year of dating her.

This infuriated my little brother. He’s always wanted the damn house. So much so that it made me wonder what a little creep like him could want with it. He’s a short guy with no sense of manners. He could sneeze directly on someone’s expensive jacket and not even worry about it, or he would laugh it off like it’s a massive joke to him. When I brought Irene home to meet my parents he would make low, growling noises, almost like he wanted to separate us the only way he knew how to. When I took Irene upstairs, he would follow us in, crawling, and panting the whole time. When we locked him out, he went to the room next to us. He was such a creep that he peeked through a hole in the walls. By this point, my family had given up trying to fix the walls because he would poke new holes in.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, he would carry a small camera and record our rooms. He would make such loud breathing noises that you could hear him in the basement. From then on, Irene and I would never hang out at my house because of that little gremlin.

When I told my family about the proposal, he started growling and running on all fours into the right side of the house which I found strange. After all, his room is upstairs, and he was heading towards the basement. I decided to talk to him about my engagement, to console him, or maybe even let him have the house instead. I mean, I’ve always thought the tradition was pointless, and besides that, I wanted to finally get out of the small town in the countryside. I wanted to finally grow apart from my family. But he told me something that shook me to my core.

He said, “If you don’t continue the family tradition “it” will come and find you.” I asked him how he knew about this “thing” and he said, “We don’t share the same father, Micheal.” I think about asking him what he means by this but he just says, “I heard about it while I was in my peephole watching Mom and Dad, they mentioned how they had you in this house but shortly after, wanted to leave because “it” wanted a kid, but your dad refused him.” I said to him, “But that doesn’t explain how we have a different father though.”

But he responded by saying, “But it does Micheal, do you think a devil would give up that easily? No, he tracked your parents down, and shortly after I was born.”

Could this all be true? I will admit that I’ve thought of my brother as a massive creep, but I never thought that his dad was the devil. Why didn’t my family tell me this? Were they trying to escape the devil by sacrificing me and Irene? These questions all swirled in my mind over and over for the next few days, but it can’t be real, right? I decided to forget about it and marry Irene.

After we got back to Home. We went to look at our house, the place we have to live in forever, or at least until our kid is dumb enough to get married. At the door, we were welcomed by my brother. With a grin on his face, he said, “Welcome home, brother”