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The original was posted on /r/jailbreak by /u/Unhappy_Raspberry_21 on 2024-07-21 21:58:12+00:00.
Do not trust any third party vendors that use non-OEM parts. I made the mistake of getting my cracked phone screen replaced for $250 because this option was cheaper than any alternative. Got my phone back and knew instantly something was wrong. The phone was hotter than the surface of the sun and went from 55% charged to 3% in the matter of two minutes. Fast forward to 30 minutes later and my phone won’t even turn on. Brought it to Apple and turns out the board it’s self short circuited. The shady company wasn’t able to put my old screen back on or give me a refund so in the end I had to pay for an entire new phone after paying someone $250 to render my other phone useless. Lesson learned. Don’t be like me. Now have a new device on 17.5.1… Here’s to waiting years for another jailbreak, fuck me.