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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Ok_Contact8682 on 2023-06-27 17:30:07+00:00.

MIL is very, very, very in to outdated gender norms. Everything is either for girls or for boys. It drives us nuts and we (Me 38F, husband 42M, kids 9F and 11F) tell her so every time it comes up. During our weekly family FaceTime, she asked why our dog was wearing a pink color (full disclosure, it’s red but quite faded). My husband said “it’s red” and we moved on.

The kids and I think we should treat Willem to a hot pink, rhinestone encrusted number replete with bows and gems and whatever else so he can look extra handsome for our next video chat. My husband thinks this is dumb and petty but our dog likes to look fabulous and I just want the satisfaction of seeing the disgusted look on her face when the dog shows off his new bling.

So the question is…WIBTA if I indulged my kids and got the dog a tacky collar with jewels and sparkles just to annoy MIL?