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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/CarrAndHisWarCrimes on 2023-06-27 14:41:32+00:00.

I love my wife dearly but a very common cause of tension in our house is deciding what to have for dinner. Last night was one of the more emotive of the occasions and led to a minor falling out.

From the moment my wife got home until the eventual climax of the evening our family (and by that I mean my wife) had two dilemmas, 1. she was hungry and 2. She has no clue what she wanted.

As per standard operating procedure I went through a list of dishes I could make her with the ingredients in our home, from shredded chicken pittas, to homemade pastas I went through a myriad of dishes and cuisines (all of which I know my wife likes) for all to be met with the same constructive feedback of “no”.

I resorted to family protocol two, by opening uber-eats and browsing all the takeaways available, this was met by the same level of useful feedback.

The time is now 20:30 and we’ve both descended into the realms of hanger. My wife decided to take it nuclear and drop the “I’m not hungry. I don’t want anything” (this is a lie)

At this point my wife has retired to the bedroom and I have retreated to kitchen to throw something together to save our marriage.

This is where the true dilemma begins to arise. I found some Korean style chicken in the freezer so decided to make an egg fried rice vegetable medley to accompany it. In the process of this I used two eggs. However the eggs I used were “the nice farm shop ones” and not the other eggs available in the house. Which has left my wife with only 10 “nice farmshop eggs” for the week.

When I brought the meal up to my wife she was initially quite excited. Until she saw the golden glow of the streaks of egg buried amongst the rice.

My wife : “You’ve used the good eggs haven’t you ?”

Me : “Yes. Is that ok ?”

I could sense from the tone and my wife’s body language that this was in fact not ok.

We ate our dinner in silence and that was the end of our evening. She was still angry when I left for work this morning.


EDIT: My wife has now apologised and accepted she was a bit unreasonable. Thank you for the support, and thank you for the people that seemed to believe my marriage was truly on the line for an Egg 🥚

I’d also like to thank all the people that seem to think the opening line of “a common cause of tension” means I have this argument every day of my life. I do not. My wife is usually a very lovely lady. We all have bad days…