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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/Fcythm on 2024-07-25 04:29:45+00:00.

I genuinely can’t get this memory out of my head but feel the need to share it to get it off my shoulders somewhat. I was around 9 at the time and I remember my mom and brother being in my room as I was getting ready to take a shower. And my clothes were basically in a pile in the closet due to my mom not getting around to it but as I was grabbing for my shirt. I noticed lumps beneath it. Didn’t really think of it but when I took it off I saw a guy’s head smiling at me. Like is head was slightly sunken into the pile if that makes since like how a hoodie covers your face.I didn’t hesitate and just screamed and ran towards my mom yelling at her there was a guy in there. When she went to check obviously there was no one there but the face is just so vivid to me. Imagine the “Here’s Johnny!” Guy but with a disturbing smile and with longer hair covering his forehead. It’s just weird how vivid I imagined that guy even if it was for a split second don’t know if maybe I maybe it was my mind playing with me but that memory of him keeps coming back.