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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/Entire-Project6046 on 2024-07-27 19:43:21+00:00.

I’m sharing this story to this subreddit because I just want to get somebody else’s opinion, I am a very spiritual person so this whole situation has kind of weirded me out

Last night, I was having trouble sleeping so I was only able to get comfortable at 2:29am, and that was when I finally started to drift off to sleep. I was partially awake but I had drifted off for the most part, when I heard this loud voice call my name. The voice was so loud that it literally jolted me awake, and I live with my grandmother and my mother so I went out into the hallway to look into their rooms to see if one of them may have called me, but both of them were very much asleep at this time so neither of them could’ve called my name like that.

The whole situation has just kind of left me on edge, because I have had very strange experiences in the past with the paranormal as well. For example, I somehow predicted my grandfather’s death the very minute that the paramedics pronounced him dead at his house, while I was still at school so I don’t really think I was just hearing things. I feel like this could’ve been something spiritual, so I want to hear other people’s opinions.