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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/AngelmZeal1 on 2023-06-27 20:53:03+00:00.

Words. It only takes words for them to realize incredible things. They neither use currency nor any form of valuable possessions to call certain things into existence. Words are the currency, they form the passwords. To this day, many remain oblivious to such realities, and for a very long time, my eyes too were shut.

This story is partly about me, Earenn, just a 24 years old young lady working at a library for the time being. One day at work, out of boredom and curiosity, I decided to check on my friend Lisla and chat with her, while keeping an eye out for any interesting titles from the newly acquired books she was placing on shelves. Only one stood out, and I took it from the trolley before reading its very funny title.

“Derashipou and the realm of wis—” I could say before Lisla placed her hand on my lips.

“How many times will I tell you? You don’t just say things like that, especially the names, you gotta be care—” Lisla tried speaking.

“Come on Lisla! Please, not now, it’s just some children book, I guess. Like really, the hell is that name?” I said, showing her its basic cover representing a standing little boy dressed in all black clothes.

“Look, we not doing it today. I already told you everything about this kind of stuff.” She replied, after snatching the book from me.

“Ok, alright, Miss Spiritual. Don’t wanna bother you with my ignorance of course not.” I said, walking away. “Gotta go hangout with Derashipou! Sure he much more fun.” I added.

Hours later, while walking home after the long bus ride, I spotted my cat Spice sleeping next to a dumpster. I checked my apartment bathroom window and realized that I had indeed left it open before rushing for work. After picking Spice up, we both went inside then I suddenly heard a noise in the bathroom. I let Spice down, told her to stay there in the kitchen, and grabbed a knife just in case. I crept to the slightly open door and slowly pushed it while peeking inside, only to see the real Spice in there, turning to me and welcoming me with a meow.

“What the…” I whispered, before slowly turning to the direction I came from. I then crept back to the kitchen, unaware that I was followed by Spice and we both encountered the ‘cat’ I just let into my house, sitting and looking at us as if it was patiently waiting for us.

As soon as Spice saw it, she just switched into violent mode, hissing and growling at it. The moment the other cat responded with its monstrous growl, the lights went out.

The rising fear brought me down as I fell on the floor. The cat’s eyes shone with a faint red while crackling noises of bones resounded in the complete darkness. Paralyzed by what I was witnessing, I heard Spice running away while the entity seemed to have gained height. My eyes adjusted in the dark, allowing me to discern the features of a little boy dressed in dark clothes.

“I have come as you spoke.” He said with a deep growling voice, surely referring to the ‘hangout joke’ I made earlier during the day. “What is your wish?” He questioned.

Lisla, along with all her usual spiritual lessons just happened to pop up in my mind right at that instant, and the words just came out, without any conscious move from my part.

“I wish that— you— leave my house and— my life.” I spoke.

A heavy silence followed, troubled only by my panting alone, before the light came ON making the entity disappear on the spot. I remained sitting there for the most part of the night, ignoring Spice when she came back and reflected on how Lisla’s careful words were valuable lessons. However, I never told her about my encounter with the entity.