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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/Professional-Dot7244 on 2024-07-30 06:01:17+00:00.

Hey guys, I started this project last year but didn’t make much progress since I’m not familiar with 3D models and Three.js. I tried with ChatGPT-4, but it didn’t help much, and I was stuck on things like simulating the real sun angle based on time and day/night rotation.

Recently, I used Claude 3.5, and it is insane! I picked up my project again and made huge progress. I enjoyed it so much and hope you like it 😄🚀.

Also, let me know if you have any UX/UI, design, or any suggestions, thank you!

Also Also I’m thinking of a new Nano project but need more ideas… 🤔🤔

Demo Video