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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/RK9Roxas on 2023-08-01 02:46:10.

He’s a twin and has a sister. I’m 5 years older than them and have tried to be a good role model and mentor them.

I have my own business I’ve built from the ground up and it’s turning out to be quite lucrative.

My nephew wants in because his twin sister got in with me. Here’s the thing he doesn’t offer me anything. When I was just starting out building my skill set trying and failing and figuring things out applying myself all he did was just mess about, get in trouble with the law, smoke, drink, involve himself with gangs ect.

All these things I advised him not to do. He doesn’t have a record thank goodness but the one thing I told him not to do above all is mark his body. So what does he do? Inks up his arms, hands, and most recently his face with a “little” cross even after he told me he wouldn’t get anymore.

I can’t trust him. My niece on the other hand took my advice and built herself up in a way that can be useful to me on the administrative side of things even if she is not as technically inclined as I am that’s ok cause she’s learning from me directly now.

I’ve offered my nephew the chance to learn from me too many times over the years which he’s declined and only now he’s decided to come around now that he sees money.

He wants to work for me and I told him I won’t be giving him any front facing roles and the best I can do for him right now is a custodial role that way he can prove he can consistently show up and can learn a technical skill set of value not just here but anywhere.

He asked why not front facing and I was real telling him it’s cause of his face tattoo among visible others. He got loud with me and said I was discriminating against him and it’s not fair cause we are family.

I just said everyone who works with me I treat as an extension of myself so they represent me. Visible tattoos send the wrong message and will cost me client’s/money so if he doesn’t like my standards for my business he doesn’t have to work for me but he’s still free to learn from me.

He stormed off.