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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/Maleficent_Bag_1062 on 2023-06-27 21:08:59+00:00.

Have you ever stared at a piece meat with the same enchantment that one might have for a loved one? Have you ever savored the scent of a freshly well prepared meal? These questions cause my skin to literally curl with the beloved anticipation of eating, because I love food and honestly I think it loves me back; let me explain. I am a professional competitive eater, you must be wondering to yourself “what in the world is that”? Well, I get paid to compete against other aggressive eaters, it’s a battle in reality; me indulging into the world of combat with a every bite I consume; my weapon of choice; a fork. I know it sounds it bit funny and perhaps to most this might even sound like a joke but for me it’s life. I get paid handsomely for every competition I win along with the perk of devouring all that delicious food that. Sometimes it’s a hot dog eating contest other times it’s pie; there’s even been exotic foods like camel. My wife tells me that I need to slow down, that I need to take a break from my sport; she want’s me to hang around long enough to see my new born grow, but I can’t; I just love food way too much; well that was until I found a website called “Room4more”.

I received the strangest invitation in the mail; it was to another eating contest, one like no other; the details were secretive and allusive. It didn’t reveal what meal or type of food I would be consuming rather it detailed their delight at having a champion as myself competing against other world elite eaters. The idea of being in a global eating contest caused the hairs on the back of neck to stand but more vividly it caused my stomach to grumble. I read thoroughly through the invitation looking for any clues of to what organization this was, it just stated that they knew who I was and that the grand prize would be one hundred grand.

“I can’t believe it”, I ecstatically said out loud to myself, causing my wife to yell out “what” from the room over.

I ignored her not bothering to respond instead I kept reading every word presented to me in the unusual letter.

“We are glad to have a champion of your caliber but know that the food of choice would be kept secret until the tournament. Once revealed refusal of eating said food would result in immediate disqualification.” the invite stated.

I laughed knowing that their tactic of intimidation would not scare me, rather it excited me. I have eaten all types of meats before and truth be told I even tasted the most vile of creatures; you wouldn’t what to know, just know the show fear factor wouldn’t have dissuaded me one bit.

I was elated at the prospect of winning that amount of money, after all it would come in handy with my new baby girl; but I was more beguiled with the idea of consuming some mystery meat that supposedly would cause most to shutter away. I could feel my mouth become inundated with drool and that grumbling in my stomach intensified; I was hungry. All this talk about eating and winning had me practically giggling from thrill. I headed towards my refrigerator ready to discover a well needed midnight snack, as I opened the door I was showered in the fridges warm light it feeling as if I was descending into heaven and as my eyes soared across the shelves of food we kept my gaze narrowed in on a strawberry glazed cheesecake. I could feel the sides of my face stretch wide resulting in me revealing a euphoric smile. I pulled the cheesecake out and inhaled its essence deeply as if I could taste it without even taking a bite and with no fork I stuffed my entire face into the pie; I started to devour bite by bite and as my face pulled away from the now empty container I looked up to the heavens with wonderment; I almost weap from happiness. That’s when I felt it, sudden sharp pains shot through my left arm.

“No, no” I yelped out; understanding what was happening.

I grabbed at my chested and squeezed tightly as I fell to the floor with a heavy thud. I could hear my wife running towards me screaming as my baby girl cried profusely. I was having a heart attack and the last thing I remember was my wife’s angelic face staring down at me asking me to stay with her a bit longer and then nothing, pure darkness.

I woke up in the hospital with tubes protruding from my arm while machines made all sorts of beeps and chimes, in reality I was frightened but I didn’t struggle to move I was too tired as if I haven’t slept in years and with me now being coherent I realized my wife was in the room with me. Before I could say a word I noticed she was already staring at me and ran to me embracing me in her warmth.

The doc said I was lucky, that they were able to perform surgery on me in the nick of time, that my ticker had a few more years left. I was delighted knowing that I would have more time with my family but more importantly I was more jovial at the idea that I had more time for food. That’s when my world tilted upside down, to my horror the doc told me that they had to also perform some gastric procedure.

“You sewed my stomach shut” I angrily asked the doctor.

The doc told me there was no other choice and that my wife as caregiver permitted the procedure. They told me that I had been in an induced coma for two weeks, that I haven’t eaten in two weeks. I grabbed at my stomach it felt smaller; no not smaller but emptier but worse I wasn’t even hungry. I cried to myself that whole night and gave my wife the silent treatment I know she loves me and just wanted to save my life but what about my food; it loves me too.

As the weeks passed I grew into a bit of a depression, I felt nihilistic which most would consider odd since I recently escaped the clutches of death but at what cost. I was no longer able to indulge in my sport, actually to be more specific I was no longer able to desire what I cherished most. Each day my wife would caress my shoulders and tell me that she loved me, usually putting my daughter into my lap; I did my best to pretend I was okay but deep down I was a shell of my former self, passion now alluded me. Then as if a dagger itself was flung into my heart I received that same mysterious invitation I had gotten over a month ago. I stared at the letter with a bit of bewilderment, I had assumed the competition would of been over. As I read through the invitation its ambiguous details were still evident but the only thing that was made clear was they still wanted me to enter.

“Mr. Pulver we haven’t heard from you, we are very disappointed we know of your reputation and this competition wouldn’t be the same without a champion such as yourself. Please reconsider entering, after all you wouldn’t want to miss out on the mystery meat”

My face froze from utter dread knowing that I couldn’t even self indulge for my own pleasure let alone enter a tournament. Though in the moment I felt inspired and with very little effort my body took hold of itself as I stormed towards the fridge; I was determined to get past my limitations and return to my former glorious self. I opened the refrigerator and scoured over the food that was available, most were healthy foods mainly veggies and yogurt but in the far back my sight fixated on what seemed to be a slice of cake.

“How did that get there” I pondered to myself.

I reached my now thin arm through the blockade of health and retrieved my enchanting dessert. I stared at the cake with adulation as I cradled it cautiously in my hand, I then opened my mouth wide and took bite. The sweetness engulfing my taste buds, I felt my eyes become dilated while my blood rushed to my head; I almost felt faint but I stood my ground and smiled.

“I’m back!” I told myself with such blissful glee.

I went for another bite but that’s when I felt the tremble in my stomach, as if my skin was expanding and it stretched from the inside out. I knew that feeling; I was already full.

“No!” I said to my dismay.

I felt my eyes begin to water in disappointment and put down the delicious pastry, I knew it was time to fix the atrocity that had been bestowed upon me. I stormed with heavy haste towards my computer, I then journeyed through the internet for answers and advice of how to regain my appetite, how to fight through the anguish. I must of have searched for hours, because by the time I finally gave up my search I realized always already midnight.

I went to turn off my computer but then I saw a response in the forum I was reading.

“Not your old self, just want to be you again; return to your glorious days and more, visit us at ‘”.

My jaw dropped with astonishment, this surely felt like the answer I was searching for. I clicked the link and I was redirected to a website that bared the same name they advertised. The site was simple not very impressive, just the same words I read mere seconds ago on the forum was on their main page.

“Hmm, odd” I whimpered underneath my breath, feeling a bit befuddled.

I saw a drop down menu that was titled ‘products’; so I clicked with curiosity; wanting to know what services they did offer and to my surprise they sold supplements, actually more like supplement; they only sold one pill. The ‘purple pill’ they called it, but it was guaranteed to restore my appetite, to make me complete again; though the whole site seemed strange I was desperate and I was willing to do anything to return to my love, so I purchased the strange pill.

Days came and went as I grew more anxious waiting on my miracle cure, my wife could sense my uneasine…

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