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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/bootyscratcher48 on 2023-08-01 08:12:38.

for context, I’m a senior who hasn’t saved up for college cause i was promised my college funds will be taken care of. although my dad is alive and is somewhat in my life, he can’t contribute to me financially cause 1. he makes damn near minimum wage. 2. he’s a single dad & half of his money goes to my little half-sister for her medical expenses. my uncle has been pretty much my father figure for the past 10 years. he contributes financially but he genuinely has been more of a parent than my mom, who i live with along with my little brother who is autistic. abt a week ago, i told ny uncle i lowk don’t plan on staying in idaho for college and he went ballistic. he started rambling about how i’m ungrateful, how i’ll probably throw my hijab again and how i plan on following “the hoe path”. *context for the hijab part: middle school till like sophmore year i took off my hijab at school cause of all the fitting in bs 😭 i started wearing it again recently only cause i don’t want to argue over it but he still mentions it and uses it as an example for others. he later tells me i have to go to a school nearby no further than 40 minutes or else he won’t pay for my tuition and that’s when things got heated. he told me i don’t have to save up for college cause he pinky promised (yes i said pinky promise, corny af ik but i take it seriously!) he’ll pay for it & he doesn’t have a budget. on friday, me and my dad were on the phone and it kinda turned into a vent session and i mentioned how my uncle doesn’t plan on paying for my college funds cause i want to go out of state along with other things he said. he calls my uncle and starts yelling at him and i genuinely feel bad. worst part about this is i found through my older sister ny uncle brought the situation to reddit and made it seem like i was a brat and that tuition from my DREAM college was something he can’t afford cause he most definitely can. but even then, it’s a dream school that’s competitive asf, and i most likely won’t get accepted so i’m gonna opt for a school that’s a lot cheaper.

More info:

Why i want to move away for college: 1. i’m literally the second parent for my little brother, i spent my teenage years raising him and although i love being an older sister, i don’t love being a parent. i have no fun memories of high school and although it sucks, i’m not going to resent him for it, but i definitely don’t want my college experience to be like my high school experience, i don’t wanna sit around and do nothing. i only have a high gpa cause i literally had nothing else going on in life. 2. i have no freedom around here, i don’t get to hangout with my friends often, if i do hang out with them, my mom will go above and beyond and literally call my friends moms to confirm the plans and to ask the moms that she should come along with us. i literally stopped seeing my friend overall cause i got made fun of for it.