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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/SouthParkiscool on 2023-06-27 22:04:58+00:00.

Part 1

Part 2

I managed to save myself one more day. Here are the rest of the entries.


My heart’s pounding. I don’t know where I am, and I can’t say for sure whether I’m safe.

After I set out with my group, we bypassed the guards by tunneling under Heaven until reaching the sewers. I guess the devil thought the sewers would be mostly unguarded, but once we set foot in them, shouting started coming from both directions. Glowing men. My heart dropped. There was nowhere to duck. I shot at the men, relieved to see them combust.

As we trekked through the dimly lit sewers, I took note of how horrible it smelled. It didn’t matter so much every time we neared a corner. My adrenaline level skyrocketed. Would there be glowing men waiting for me? Would I live? I resorted to just shooting blindly around the corner. It worked five times.

Eventually, we reached a drain one of my group members claimed was the first one from “the city.” She told me to follow behind. Since they could hover, they’d just fly up out of the sewer. Since I couldn’t hover, I’d climb. But I’d be guarded in a circular formation. From there, I’d shoot any angel coming overhead.

Easier said than done. I need to stop expecting ease of force from my end.

Once I climbed up to the street, the sonic booms began. A dozen angels flew above the street. I opened fire for my life, taking out each angel as they flew close enough for me to hit. I barely paid attention to what was happening on the ground around me. All I heard were booms, shattering glass, car alarms, and shouting from all directions. At one point, I needed to take cover. I looked around and saw all the chaos. I ran through a shattered shop window and hid behind a table. An angel landed on the ground. I shot at it. It combusted.

As I anticipated the second another angel revealed itself, a deep male voice hit my right ear.

“Hey! 'You from the kingdom of the devil!? Or are you of God??”

I looked to my right and saw an elderly man pointing a double barrel shotgun at my head.

Some shouting echoed in from outside. I looked and saw two angels sprinting towards the shop.

“Are you of God!? Answer the question!”

I jumped out from behind the table. The two angels’ eyes widened. They aimed their guns right at me. I grabbed the shotgun wielder by the hips and pulled him in front of me. He combusted into white flames while I jumped behind his desk for cover. I jumped up and fired at both of the angels. Both of them combusted as well.

The war went on for weeks. Those weeks weren’t so different from weeks I spent fighting wars in the past. In the middle of week four, I woke up as the sun began shining and noticed how silent the city was. Perhaps all the civilians had evacuated. During my journey through the war torn city, I came across a restaurant with shattered windows. I took a look inside. The tables were all lying on their sides. Food was strewn all over the floor.

As I looked around, a wet screeching noise echoed from the sky. I looked up. A giant ophanim was about to fly overhead. My heart sank. I jumped through a shattered window to hide in the restaurant.

I knew it took several bullets to take out a small Ophanim, but I couldn’t imagine what it would take to bring down a giant one. The dreadful sound of the ophanim peaked, but once it began to pass, I took note of a television on the far end of the room. I walked up to it and switched it on, hoping to get some news updates.

I flipped through the channels until I found a broadcast showing a giant Ophanim hovering above a city I couldn’t recognize. Many of the skyscrapers in the city were on fire. Then explosions rocked about 10 or 15 of the skyscrapers, taking each of them down. Meanwhile, fires were spreading like crazy across the surrounding forest.

“And with that… Heaven’s final option is hammering the city at the center of Hell. The destruction of evil, in the name of God, has begun.”

I watched in horror. Heaven’s final option? Innocents are dying! People are being tortured!

As I fumed, I heard the sound of somebody stepping on a piece of glass outside. I didn’t have time to turn my head before I blacked out. I woke up in someplace dark. Feeling around, I felt a cold hard tiled floor. What room was I in? Who captured me? I felt around some more and found a lamp. I switched it on, revealing the room I was in. Torn up papers, photos, and posters were strewn all over the ground.


After writing up the last entry, I looked through the torn up papers. Some of them depicted God, Jesus, and different angels. Others were pages from the Bible. I held one of the torn pages and read half of what was on it. I crumpled it up and threw it at the wall.

The door creaked open. I jumped, hoping it wasn’t one of those glowing men. I grabbed my gun and aimed it at the door. I was relieved to see it was a non-glower. She had black hair and looked to be in her mid or late twenties. Her eyes widened.

“No, it’s okay,” she said. “I’m on your side. Your fellow soldiers are going to be back soon.”

I was relieved, but I didn’t know who she was. Was she associated with the devil? Or was she someone else entirely? I asked her.

“Eve,” she said. “Your fellow soldiers need you.”

“I know they do,” I said. “We have creatures to eliminate.”

“You’ve already pretty much won the war. Don’t let your guard down, though, because the angels avenging God are destroying Hell as we speak. Your soldiers need you to help them bring in a bomb you and them call the Parakuzma, according to them.”

The Parakuzma was an atomic bomb we were developing as part of the construction of anti-anomalous weaponry following the accidental death of God. I told her this. But, I also informed her of the fact we hadn’t tested it due to our efforts to conceal our war on Yahweh’s spirits. We’d only test it in the most dire of times. Times when a war with the west wouldn’t sound so threatening.

She told me I was ordered by the words of my commander to help bring the bomb into Heaven. I told her I needed to be shown something official just in case, even though she already knew of the weapons development project at all. She brought me out into a large room with shiny marble walls, a high ceiling with three skylights, and a marble-tiled floor. Several of my comrades were conversing with each other in the corner. Some recognizable from previous missions, and others not. One of the ones I recognized, Dimitry, told me the order was legitimate. Then he told me we needed to get back to the portal.

A pit formed in my stomach.

“Is it still open?” I asked. “How far away is it from here? Where are we?”

“Yes, it’s still open,” Vladimir said. “The devil has our backs, though. Don’t worry. Now get prepared.”

My comrades left the room, leaving me alone with Eve. Eve walked over to a gold plated chest that sat a little over to my left. She opened it up, reached into it, and pulled out a stone with words engraved into it. She placed the stone on the floor. In front of her.

“What does it say?” I asked.

“They’re the ten commandments,” she said. “Well, five of the ten. The other stone is still in the chest. I’ll be taking care of that one right after I take care of this one.”

She brushed her hair back with her hands. I wasn’t sure what she meant when she said she’d be taking care of them. That was until she pulled a jagged rock out of her pocket, bent down towards the stone, and began to scrape the first commandment where it was engraved in the stone, leaving white scratches.

“I don’t know if you’ve read my story, but I was the one who was manipulated into eating an apple,” she said. “Adam was responsible for me… ew… and blamed me for him failing to be responsible. Adam was punished. And so was the serpent. But so was I.”

She began to scratch out the second commandment.

“All that apple contained was knowledge on how to separate good from evil. That’s what God wanted to keep hidden… and he expected us to know any better? The devil wants to set up a new kingdom led by a new leader, and there’s been talk of me being the next leader.”

She moved on to the third commandment. Scraping it like no tomorrow.

“Job refused the position. He said he just wants his livelihood back, Adam finally realized what he was doing when he blamed me for him not taking responsibility, and the devil told me he doesn’t plan on being the next leader… so that leaves me.”

“Isn’t the devil very powerful too?” I asked.

“Not as powerful as you may think,” she said as she began to scrape the fifth commandment. “He’s not the exact opposite of God. He just worked for God. At some point, he realized how shitty God was and rebelled against him and his order. He’s more of a political influence. But anybody can be God with a specific piece of knowledge.”

My comrades entered the room. I walked up to them, determined to get the rest of the fight over with. One I was more familiar with, Dimitry, looked into my eyes.

“You ready, Artem?” he asked.

“Yes. This place is very chaotic. Almost everything here has thrown me off guard… but if I keep up my willingness to fight and defend, I should be able to defend myself against those atrocious creatures.”

My comrades all nodded their heads in agreement.


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