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The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/DarthRaffa on 2023-08-02 10:58:51.
I don’t know if it’s just me, but when I try to play some songs from Innertune, the sound is more muffled (it doesn’t happen for every song, just some of them). However, when I try to play the same song from ViMusic, Harmony, or even Spotube, the sound is fine. I’ve also set the audio quality to high, the equalizer off and the audio normalization off, but nothing changes. I don’t know why this happens, since everything should be extracted from YouTube Music, and all four apps should have the exact same sound quality.
As an example, I played the song ‘Torn’ by Neck Deep, and the guitar you can hear at 11 seconds from Innertune sounds significantly more muffled than the same sound of the song coming from ViMusic/Harmony/Spotube.
Have you noticed this too?