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October 1, 1945 - Strategic Services Unit (SSU) is formed from the Secret Intelligence (SI) and Counterintelligence (X-2) units of the now-dissolved OSS.

The best intelligence available to British and American commanders during World War II came from intercepted and deciphered enemy messages obtained through the ULTRA (German) and MAGIC (Japanese) Programs.  In early 1943, Donovan created X-2, an elite counterintelligence branch with access to valuable ULTRA intelligence.  X-2 personnel followed British security practices (more strict than those of other OSS elements) and operated somewhat independently to protect ULTRA.  With this secret intelligence, X-2 guided OSS operations and developed innovative counterintelligence actions.

The Secret Intelligence (SI) branch of OSS, an original part of the Coordinator of Information (COI), was to obtain “by secret means information which cannot otherwise be secured and which is not elsewhere available.” In practice, this meant intelligence collection performed by agents, known as human intelligence (HUMINT) today … One of the most remarkable SI successes was achieved by Allen W. Dulles, who later directed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). On 2 May 1945, he arranged the separate surrender of German forces in Italy.

January 22, 1946 - A directive from President Truman establishes the Central Intelligence Group (CIG). The National Intelligence Authority (NIA), predecessor to the NSC, and the Intelligence Advisory Board (IAB), “consisting of the heads, or their representatives, of the principal military and civilian intelligence agencies of the Government having functions related to the national security, as determined by the National Intelligence Authority”.’s%20letter%20of%2022,by%20the%20National%20Intelligence%20Authority%2C~

January 1946 - The Central Reports Staff, “home to the analysts in the Central Intelligence Group”, is formed.

The name of the Central Reports Staff was changed in July 1946 to the Office of Research and Evaluations, and again in October 1946 to the Office of Reports and Estimates (ORE), by which name it was known until it was abolished in November 1950. CIA veterans typically use “ORE” as the shorthand name for the analytical office for the whole period 1946–50.

By late March, a draft NIA directive embodying this basic approach had been discussed by the Intelligence Advisory Board, and on April 2, the National Intelligence Authority approved what became known as NIA Directive No. 4, “Policy on Liquidation of the Strategic Services Unit.” (Document 106) NIA Directive No. 4 was a major step toward the allocation of responsibility for foreign secret intelligence to the Central Intelligence Group. The formal charter and the grant of exclusive jurisdiction were still in the future; they would not come until the NIA approved National Intelligence Directive No. 5 on July 8, 1946 (Document 160). While leaving open the question of whether the functions and activities of the SSU should “be transferred to the Central Intelligence Group or other agencies in order that its useful assets may not be lost,” it authorized the Director of Central Intelligence to supervise the SSU’s liquidation, to make recommendations to the NIA on “the intelligence activities permanently required in the peace-time effort,” and to oversee the SSU’s interim operations until it was liquidated. Finally, the directive instructed the Director of SSU to “make available to the Director of Central Intelligence, upon his request, any facilities and services of SSU which may be useful” to the CIG.”

July 8, 1946 - The Office of Special Operations is activated.

Fall 1946 - The Scientific Branch (SB) is established in the Estimates Division of the ORE.

February 25, 1947 - CIG Director Hoyt Vandenberg and General Leslie Groves reach an agreement to transfer the Manhattan Engineering District’s Foreign Intelligence Branch to the CIG.

One exception to this general state of affairs in the U.S. was a foreign intelligence unit, the Foreign Intelligence Branch, in the Manhattan Engineering District (MED), the wartime agency under General Leslie Groves concerned with nuclear weapons development. It may be recalled that considerable fear was felt in some quarters, as the feasibility of nuclear weapons seemed increasingly assured, that the Germans might be carrying on a nuclear weapons program. It was reasoned that the early experiments on atomic fission had been performed by Germans, notably the Nobel Prize winners Otto Hahn and Lisa Meitner, and hence German understanding of the underlying principles of nuclear weapons was as great as ours. Attempts to establish the existence of a German program through clandestine operations were not altogether reassuring. Anxiety continued throughout the war in the West and even into the final stages of the war against Japan. At the close of the war, while the soul-searching into the Pearl Harbor disaster was taking place, the assets of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) were transferred in 1946 to an interim agency, the Central Intelligence Group (CIG), under the general surveillance of a National Intelligence Authority. This was the first attempt to consolidate and centralize the highest level intelligence functions of the U.S. Government

March 28, 1947 - Nuclear Energy Group, Scientific Branch, Office of Reports and Estimates is established.

The Chief, Nuclear Energy Group “is solely responsible for final determination of dissemination of nuclear energy intelligence. He himself will disseminate such special nuclear energy intelligence as security restrictions make necessary.

The NEG chief is also authorized “to maintain, when essential for technical or security reasons, direct contacts with industries, institutions and individuals which have special significance to the Nuclear Energy Group, coordinating such contacts with the Office of Operations so as to avoid duplication of effort and provide maximum coverage in this field.”

March 5, 1948 - NEG is reassigned to the Office of Special Operations.

James Angleton was hired in 1948 to serve as the OSO’s head of operations.

February 14, 1949 - A memo issued by DCI Hillenkoetter states, “the Nuclear Energy Branch of the Office of Special Operations is abolished and its records, personnel, and functions will be incorporated into the Office of Scientific Intelligence”.

Declassified Q&A from 1952 with pertinent information regarding the NEG/MPFIS.

Lyle E Seeman was Chief of the Nuclear Energy Group at the time of its transition into OSI.


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