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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/angiredit on 2024-08-22 14:42:57+00:00.

The Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) mentioned in a podcast that he has no doubt our planet is visited by extraterrestrials and explained why he thinks so. I was glad to see such open-minded scientist leading technology. He has some very interesting views similar to what the majority of people in this subreddit think.

Here is the full transcript. If you want to watch the video, see the link below.

Podcaster: Aliens, aliens always fascinate us. What aspect of it interests you?

ISRO Chairman: This is a very interesting question. When we talk about aliens, we refer to intelligent creatures—living beings that could be more intelligent than us, or perhaps not as intelligent. We consider ourselves an evolved species. We know how to communicate, we have technology, but just imagine, only 100 years ago, we had none of this—no microphones, no cameras, no lights, no communication systems, no television. Our history is not just 100 years old; human civilization has evolved over millions of years. Yet, in the last 100 years, we’ve made incredible progress.

Now, imagine another civilization that is just 200 years behind us. They might be very advanced, but they don’t have the technologies we do. On the other hand, imagine a civilization that is 1,000 years ahead of us. A thousand years is nothing on a cosmic scale. Just think about how much progress we’ve made in 100 years—where will we be in the next 100 years? And where would we be in 1,000 years?

A society or alien civilization that is 1,000 years more advanced than us would always be around. They must be listening to your podcast right now; they know what we are, and they would see us like we see earthworms. We are nowhere near their level. So, I always believe that there are aliens around us, far more evolved than we are. We are very recent origins of life, but there are likely much older and more evolved life forms throughout the universe. There is no doubt about it.

Podcaster: I’m loving this conversation; it feels like I’m talking to an older brother who shares my views on aliens, extraterrestrial life, and science. Often, when one speaks about these topics, they are rejected by large sections of society. As we grow up, we’re often told to suppress our inner child, but I feel that imagination and creativity are crucial, especially in our work. There’s a difference between being “scientistic” and being scientific. Being scientific helps you discover the unknown, while being scientistic makes you reject the unknown—maybe that’s a good definition. But let’s delve deeper into this alien situation. Why do we mostly hear about UFOs being spotted in America and South America?

ISRO Chairman: Many times, these observations are more feasible in the northern latitudes and southern latitudes. The equatorial regions are almost always cloudy. If you look at Africa, India, and South Asia, all these nations are near the equator. Northern Europe and America are in the northern latitudes, and in the southern hemisphere, only Australia is a significant nation.

If there are events in the sky, such as auroras, they are mostly visible in the northern regions. Solar-related effects are more commonly seen in the north as well. Even cyclones and other activities are more prevalent in these areas, not so much near the equator. The equatorial regions have different climatic conditions, and the sky is often dark rather than blue. If you go to the U.S., you’ll notice the sky is much bluer than in India. This isn’t just due to pollution; it’s also due to the water vapor content in the atmosphere and other factors.

This is a scientific explanation. Now, on the non-scientific side, Americans have a tendency to detect many things around them and make stories out of them. Many of the UFO stories are fabricated, not real, though some might be true. I can’t comment on it because I haven’t seen it myself.

Podcaster: But do you think our planet is visited by extraterrestrials?

ISRO Chairman: Absolutely, no doubt about it. My conscience says yes, though I don’t have proof. As the Chairperson of ISRO, I’m telling you this. It stems from my earlier statement—there are definitely aliens out there in the universe. Aliens mean living systems and cultures in other parts of the universe. If they are ahead in technology by even just a thousand years, or 10,000 years, they would have definitely visited us.

10,000 years is a minuscule time scale in the evolution of the universe. Just imagine a society that is 10,000 years ahead in technology—they would be frequently visiting Earth without us even knowing it.

Podcaster: It’s like we’re the lions in a zoo, and they are observing us.

ISRO Chairman: Precisely. For them, our planet is like a zoo.

Podcaster: Do you think they would be benevolent or malevolent?

ISRO Chairman: Either way, I would be happy never to be in contact with them. Let me tell you why. Biology is such that all life forms on Earth are connected in some way—plants, bacteria, fish, animals, and humans. We all evolved from a common ancestor. But if something evolved on another planet, it would have been synthesized in an entirely different way. It may not have the same genomic structure or protein structure, which could be extremely dangerous.

When two life forms come into contact, something has to overpower the other. This is the nature of life—one will not allow the other to survive; it must be overtaken and destroyed. Unless these aliens have a conscience about this and realize that we are different, and thus choose to remain disconnected in terms of our bodies or chemistry, it will be catastrophic. We would need to find a way to meet not just at the level of mind and thought but also at the level of the body. If that doesn’t happen, it could lead to destruction, either of them or of us.

Podcaster: So basically, they might be carrying some kind of diseases?

ISRO Chairman: I’m not talking about diseases in the conventional sense. I mean the way we live, the form of our bodies, our blood, the oxygen we breathe—there’s no guarantee that they need oxygen to survive. We don’t know. I’ve read a science fiction novel where a species breathes methane on another planet and floats in the air with huge balloons on them. There was even a NASA documentary about it. Such forms are possible, and contact with us would be extremely dangerous, either for them or for us.

Podcaster: Do you believe in any theories like the lizard people or the Anunnaki, who supposedly have taken human form and live among us?

ISRO Chairman: It’s possible. If they are 10,000 years ahead of us, they would have found a solution to these biological problems. I don’t have a solution today, but they might have already discovered it. We’re just two lions talking to each other, unaware of the humans outside the cage.

Podcaster: True, true. Do the scientists at ISRO talk about extraterrestrial life with each other?

ISRO Chairman: Yes, there are many people at ISRO who are fascinated by this. In our free time, especially in the evenings, we often converse about these topics, particularly with my younger colleagues.

Podcaster: While I wish to ask you much more about science and engineering, there’s an inner child in me that also wants to ask about the spiritual aspect of being a scientist…