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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/IchBinMalade on 2024-08-24 00:33:10+00:00.

Anyone ever stumble on these? There’s a massive channel dedicated to waterparks, it presents itself as just showing the various waterparks and slides, but it’s obviously filming women, like it’s clearly the real intent.

There’s another one I saw that does this on beaches, it’s a lot more flagrant, the waterparks one at least does show the waterslides for most of the videos, but the beach one is just straight up going to women laying on their back and filming their butts.

I realize this isn’t “illegal”, but how is this not against YT TOS? Wild.

To be clear, this is not someone filming someone they know, it’s just women who have no idea they’re getting viewed by millions of people.