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The original was posted on /r/truescarystories by /u/No-Mountain9832 on 2024-08-29 19:11:38+00:00.

There will be 2 stories here. The first one super creepy & the second more sad/more of an explanation as to why I no longer participate. I want to preface this all by saying, I grew up seeing ghosts, so the whole topic of spirits wasn’t new to me. However, I was so scared by them that around the time I was around 7 or 8 (when the energetic system starts to be solely individualized) I trained my brain to not see them anymore. I never talked about it with friends as my family never believed me so I assumed they wouldn’t, either.

|||| Edit: Due to the attention I’ve received on this post, I’ve decided to change the name of the person I mention in the latter story. I originally posted their real name & I decided that possibly wasn’t a good idea, bc people could look up who they were. ||||

The first story takes us back to the '00s. I was a little girl celebrating my friend’s birthday. She always had a Halloween party to celebrate bc that’s when her birthday happened to be. She always talked about how her basement felt weird & she didn’t like staying down there alone.

Well, having 10 or so 10 year old girls sleep over on Halloween night isn’t exactly bedroom material, so her mom & grandma set us up in the basement. There, we played those weird games like “light as a feather, stiff as a board” & stuff (fun fact I was the only one we successfully “levitated.” I remember opening my eyes & I was damn near at the ceiling, it was spooky.) When some of us started to get tired, we brought out the ouija board.

A few of our friends were spooked so they didn’t want to participate. We asked innocent questions like kids usually do, who is the birthday girl gonna marry, how old are we gonna be when we have kids, stuff like that. I remember I asked a question about myself & it replied “dead” which was weird. Some of the girls got spooked even more by that. Then a girl screamed & said she saw something behind me in the mirror. We stopped after that.

For a few hours 3 of us, including me & the birthday girl, couldn’t sleep. We weren’t sure if the board was real or not so we decided we’d try one more time while everyone else was asleep, thinking that since they didn’t wanna play, it’d be better that way. We were close to 3am, what we heard is “the witching hour.” Remember here that we are about 10 or 11 years old, dumb, & have no idea what we’re doing or who we’re talking to.

We asked the board if it could do something for us. We said at 3:15am, to have the girl who saw something in the mirror wake up & say something to us. It was over 15 years ago so I don’t remember what we asked for this girl to say, all I know is we asked for her to look into the mirror & say it. 3:15am was about 20 or so minutes from when we asked the question. I remember us saying goodbye to the board & putting it away. The three of us were talking about how impossible our ask was, when 3:15am hit.

We knew it hit 3:15am bc her basement had a big grandfather clock that didn’t ring anymore but the clock function still worked. We were waiting & waiting & right before the time changed to 3:16am, it happened.

This girl shot straight up out of her blankets & looked straight at the mirror with her eyes closed. She whispered what we asked her to say, then dropped to her pillow like nothing ever happened. We all just looked at each other, frozen. No other girl that was sleeping stirred. None of them moved not one centimeter. We were so freaked out that we didn’t sleep until the sun came up, & in October in the Midwest, that’s pretty late. We got 3 hours of sleep tops that night. This was my first ever ouija board experience & that changed the way I viewed spirits forever.

I still think about it & feel guilty that I basically asked for one of my friends to be possessed… Needless to say, don’t EVER do that.


Our second story comes in nearly a decade after the first. I was a senior in high school & one of my cheermates invited the whole team over to celebrate her birthday. I didn’t know it, but she had a ouija board. She brought it out & I said nope, not a good idea. I guess her grandma had just died & she was really torn up about it. I was very adamant that this wasn’t a good idea & that we don’t know if what we’re talking to would be her grandma or not. She promised me she’d just try it twice & then she’d put it away.

By this time, I knew A LOT more than I did back during my first experience. I told her that she MUST say goodbye each time the girls rotated, & I had them put salt around the board to keep whatever they were talking to inside the board & so no one would or could get possessed.

They tried it at least 4 times with different girls every time, & the planchet didn’t move even once. They all laughed at me for how scared I acted earlier, saying that the board is “stupid” & “doesn’t actually work.” I got kind of annoyed bc some of them knew about my experience (I had shared it to the few who were already hesitant about the board when it was brought out.) I said, know what, I’ll do it, & I’ll prove to everyone here that these boards are real.

It was me, the birthday girl (who was a class below me) & two other girls from my class who only joined the team for our senior year. We put our fingers on the planchet & did the 3 circles to begin. I asked who we were talking to, & the planchet moved for the first time that night.

The two girls in my class were H U G E skeptics. They said, of course it would move when I just said I’ll prove it’s real. They accused me of moving it, but the information that came out was information I never knew until they connected the dots for me.

The board first goes to letter J, then to letter R. We were all confused, bc “JR” isn’t a name, or a name of anyone we knew. Or so we thought…

We then asked why they were here, & the board spelled “friend.” We asked again, who is this, & the board spelled “JR.” We then asked what does J stand for, & the board spelled out “J-O-N-A-T-” & one of the girls from my class screamed “NO WAY.” We all looked at her in confusion. She asked, “Is this Jonathan Ramon?” The planchet immediately moved to “yes.” The two girls sat so quietly & we just waited. The birthday girl asked who JR was, & the girls started to explain.

JR was a guy who was in the class above me. I knew of him, but nothing about him personally. I had been cheering at our school all 4 years, so I knew him from the football team, that was about all I knew of him. He had passed our sophomore year, his junior year, due to his car’s exhaust. He didn’t want to wake his parents after driving home from a party in the middle of winter, so he slept in his car with the car on in the garage. His parents found him the next morning. I remember it totally ripped apart his class; I remember his friends not showing up to school for at least 2 weeks out of grief & we had a big celebration on the football field in the spring.

Back to the ouija board situation, the two girls in my class were panicked. They looked at me weird & I said, well it must be him coming through. They said no, that it’s impossible bc the board doesn’t work, & that I’m making all this up & moving the planchet. They said I was a horrible person for impersonating JR & I said I wasn’t, bc I truly wasn’t. I said, let’s keep going & see what comes up. I knew they were friends of his & could validate the information that comes through. They reluctantly agreed & feverishly asked a few more questions. They asked what his football number was. The planchet moved to two numbers, & the two girls were in shock. I looked at them questioningly, bc again, I didn’t know this about him. It had been 2 years since he passed & I had no idea what his number was, I couldn’t even remember which number the assigned player I had a few months before had.

Then, they asked what color car he had. The board answered “red” which was true. I at least remember the picture they had for his celebration was him & his red car bc he loved the car. They then asked who is best friend was, & I definitely had absolutely 0 idea who that would be. Again, we had similar friends, we were at the same places at the same time occasionally. But I never once spoke to this guy & our mutuals didn’t really talk to me about him, bc we really didn’t have anything in common other than friends & the football/cheerleader type of association. The board spelled out his best friend’s name. The guy was the only guy in our school w that first name, but we asked for the last name just to see if it would spell it correctly. And it did.

The girls didn’t even say goodbye, they flung the board at me. They called me a liar, saying I made all of this up. They were sobbing & screaming at me, it made me so uncomfortable. I was nothing but the tuner–the instrument which opened the veil for them & they thought I was an awful person. The whole team fell silent & I just left due to the discomfort.

Even tho I had been captain of our team & had cheered w majority of those girls for at least 3 years, majority of them didn’t talk to me, even at practice, for at least 2 weeks. So many of them thought I was either crazy or disgusting. Only a few of them understood that I wouldn’t have known that based on who I was friends with at school & who I actually hung out with. JR & I never truly crossed paths for conversation until that night–if it was actually him that is. I think it was but I do know that s…

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