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The original was posted on /r/truescarystories by /u/whatscookinbeach on 2024-08-31 07:55:06+00:00.

My friend and I were talking about his earlier today and it made me want to share it with other scary story lovers.

To this day it is one of the scariest things that’s ever happened to me. I’m going to refer to my friend involved in this story as Lola.

This happened 11 years ago but I didn’t tell Lola until 3 years ago. I didn’t want her to think I (33F) was crazy or make her scared of her own house.

Lola and I went to culinary school together. She was a year below me but through mutual friends and working at the same restaurant, we got to being friends. Close enough that we started going out in a nearby city and crashing out at her house on the weekends.

Lola started going out with a new guy and wanted to spend the night at his place. So one night after bar hopping and screaming our lungs out in a duel piano bar, she brought me to her house to tuck me in and then spend the night with her new boo thang.

She shared a room with her sister who was home that night. I was very drunk and fell right to sleep. Everything was completely normal at first.

In the morning everyone in the house was getting up for school and work (we didn’t have school on Fridays at our school) and I woke up slightly and exchanged a few words with Lola’s sister. There were 4 people getting ready and 1 full bathroom so everyone was arguing and rushing to get ready.

It was very chaotic and tense and all suddenly came to a hushed silence after the front door slammed shut. They had all left together and the house was quiet. My hangover quicky lulled me back to sleep and I knocked back out.

Groggily I woke up in Lola’s bed and rose to a seat. The room looked slightly abstract and hazy. The hangover still had a hold on me.

Then I woke up in again. But this time I snapped awake. Again in Lola’s bed. I sat up and glanced around the room. It looked warped and hazy.

I snapped awake in Lola’s bed. It felt like I was on loop but each time I awoke my surroundings looked as they should, except slightly wrong.

I snapped awake again. But this time I saw Lola’s mom standing in the doorway. Something about her was off. The way she stood. The way she stared.

With a jolt she staggered across the room as her face gnarled into a grimace. She grabbed onto me and started shaking me and hitting me as she snarled and growled.

I fought to shake her off of me and realized that I couldn’t move my body. I was in sleep paralysis. Now I knew I was dreaming and was fighting to get back into my body so I could wake up!

As soon as I broke through and snapped awake I instantly snatched my bag from the floor and sprinted down the stairs- running out the front door and jumping into my car.

I didn’t even take the time to turn on music or set my GPS. I was in a completely panic and peeled out of there and sped off.

Lola joined me on a road trip after I decided to move across the country 3 years ago. She’s moved out of that house and her family sold it. So I decided to finally tell her the story.

Her response was, “that makes so much sense. She’s a DEMON!” She and her mom hadn’t been getting along at the time so she was only half joking.

That isn’t the first time that I’ve had that experience in a dream. Where I’ve woken up repeatedly in my current surroundings but in a dream state, on loop, until I wake up to another person or being there. But it was the only time it was someone I knew and the first time one attacked me.
