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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Emerald_Encrusted on 2024-09-05 20:20:15+00:00.

Alright so I know a bunch of you were asking for an update on this one, so here it is. The original post is here:

Anyway, I took people’s advice and got Jones out of there as quickly as I could without issue. That same evening after I made the first post, Jones had to go to the clinic for Gout (caused, no doubt, by his alcohol use), and they sent him to the hospital saying it was quite serious and may need amputation. I told Jones as I dropped him off at the hospital that I was going to “speak to the landlord” that night, and would have an update for him in the morning. As commenters had suggested, I had no intention of actually speaking with the landlord, as I did not want to jeopardize my own housing situation by exposing how I had done such a stupid thing behind my landlord’s back.

As I drove Jones back to our place once he was done at the hospital, we were talking about medicinal CBD and marijuana, and I mentioned my mushroom habit; he then asked me if I had ever tried cocaine. That’s when I knew I was doing the right thing getting him away from my family. Thankfully he didn’t ask that night about what the landlord had said, so he went to sleep in peace.

I went inside and promptly lied to my wife, telling her I spoke with the landlord and that he said Jones had to leave. I worded it in such a way that my wife is unlikely to ever mention or allude to Jones during conversations she may have with the landlord or his wife. I also cited things commenters here had said, such as how it’s illegal to live in a shed and also that there’s a breach of our lease to have multiple tenants on the property. I left it at that and my wife was satisfied with the result of that conversation.

The next morning I told Jones that the landlord said he had to leave today and we were packing up his things. He started shaking and saying things like, “I can’t even think right now,” and tried to beg that I would go to work and he’d have his things packed and ready to go when I got home. But I didn’t give in, and we got his stuff packed up that same morning, all the while he was smoking heavily because he was “stressed out.” I took him to his storage unit and paid his next month of storage for him, and after that dropped him off at a local pharmacy so he could get his prescription meds, and said goodbye.

He messaged me a few times throughout the day, and I referred him to the local shelter which I called in advance and they had told me if he showed up by 6pm he could have a place to stay the night. Jones right away told me that “the shelter is full of hard drug users, there’s no privacy and he would get robbed,” and he wasn’t going to go there. I also looked up his credit card company’s website, and informed Jones of their homeless support policy which allows a client to pause payments for 6mo with no interest penalty if they’re homeless. He said that he “couldn’t call them, because all the support people are from the Philippines and he doesn’t understand them.”

I realize that most of the commenters on my last TIFU were correct. Jones was probably taking advantage of the free handouts and shelter we were giving him, and isn’t actually motivated to make lasting change in his life. I was naïve to think that we could make a difference on our own. Since I’ve met Jones, he has probably shaken us down for almost $1500 over the course of a year. He seems incapable of finding solutions and taking advantage of even the most basic opportunities set before him- there are other examples of this which I don’t see a reason to relay here. I have spoken to my wife about this and we have agreed that we are not giving Jones more money.

TL;DR Took people’s advice and got rid of the homeless man who had been living in our shed for the last week or so. Looks like we got lucky and the damage is financial rather than anything else.