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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/gtwizzy8 on 2024-09-05 08:13:49+00:00.

I recently decided to finally do the wall tablet touchscreen thing (with a small twist but that’s for a WHOLE other post). I’ve never felt the need for one previously because everything I need is like 90% automated and the other 10% is fringe use cases. But part of the inspiration recently came because my partner has returned to Uni and we now have a need to be able to see 2 calendars at an easy glance. And the added benefit of being able to have like 3-5 other key entities for at a glance stuff or interacting with is a bonus. So calendar is the most important part of my build. I don’t hate the native calendar integration but I know it could be better. So I went searching in HACS and MY GOD I was IMMEDIATELY overwhelmed with the amount of choices. Add in the forks of forks of forks to some of them and it’s just too much for my little neurodiverent brain to handle.

So I’d love to hear what others are using and the why as to the reason you settled on that vs others.

Thanks in advance to anyone who responds :D