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The original was posted on /r/truescarystories by /u/OGxixen on 2024-09-05 17:46:03+00:00.

So, my dad’s uncle was a pretty successful businessman. He started small, just a guy running a garage, but eventually grew his business to the point where he was selling cars all over the country. My dad’s side of the family didn’t have much contact with him though, mainly because his uncle’s wife thought she was too good for them. She looked down on them, especially my grandpa, who was just a simple farmer.

Life was pretty peaceful and quiet for us. Nothing too dramatic—until September 20, 1997. That was the day we got the news that my dad’s uncle had hanged himself after killing his wife. And that’s when things got weird.

See, my dad’s uncle loved his wife. She was his world. He praised her all the time, so the idea of him killing her made zero sense. Even stranger, just two or three weeks before they died, he had sold his garage for a few million in cash to the guy who now happens to be my dad’s boss. But after their deaths, the money was nowhere to be found.

The day they died, the house was sealed off by the authorities, as you’d expect. But the next day, my dad’s family went to check it out, and the seal was broken. Out of nowhere, my grandmother’s brother—let’s call him “my uncle” for clarity—walks out of the house and spins some story about why he was there. My dad’s family, being kind of naïve, bought it.

Not long after that, my uncle suddenly moved to Spain, bought a massive castle, and lived there for years. During that time, he even tried to sue my grandma (his own sister!) and her brother for more money, but he failed when it went to court. Fast forward to this year, he sold the castle and moved back.

Here’s where it gets crazier. A few months after he returned, my dad’s boss received a letter, supposedly signed by my dead uncle. The letter said, “I am not dead. I didn’t kill my wife. I’m still alive. You stole my garage, and I’m going to take it back. See you soon.”

Naturally, my dad’s boss freaked out and called my dad into his office to talk about it. My dad was completely speechless. Now, we’re all left trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

We’ve come up with a lot of theories, but the one that makes the most sense is this: My uncle probably killed my great-uncle and his wife, or at least tried to, then took the money from the garage sale and fled to Spain. He’s back now, and for some reason, this whole mess is being dragged back into the light.

What do you all think?