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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Available_Gas_666 on 2024-09-05 10:52:18+00:00.

My partner and I moved in to our second place about 5 months ago.

Anyway, when we first moved in, a cat kept turning up in our garden. She was tiny, skin and bones and she was really skittish. We would put out a little bowl of tuna and some water and leave her outside as she never wanted to come in.

She would turn up everyday, waiting for her meal and drink and we’d give it her because she seemed to not be getting it anywhere else. Eventually, we started buying actual cat food for no other reason than she was quite literally meaning we couldn’t have any tuna.

We bought some wet and dry food and she took to the wet food, hating the dry. Anywho, she started getting more brave, it would be warm outside so we would leave the back door open and she would let herself in.

Our windows in our bedroom are open all the time and in the lounge they’re open through out the day so sometimes she comes in through there or she popped in through the back door.

About 2 months ago, she started getting up on the couch and snoozing during the day and then at night, we’d get into bed and she’d be in the middle, spread out like a starfish leaving us next to no room.

We’re not early risers as my partner works nights so by the time we’d get up in the early afternoon she’d be long gone. Coming round for her one meal about dinner time.

About a week ago, I made a post on our local Facebook page, asking around and everyone told us to take her to the vets and check for a chip. So we did. We took her to the vets to see if she was chipped and find out some more about her.

She was not chipped and the vet told us that she seemed to be skinny but gaining wait slowly. She said that she seemed like a stray and that if no ones claimed her, we should probably chip her.

So we chipped her and got her vaccines done. The vet gave us a collar which we didn’t plan to keep on her but we completely forgot to take it off having gotten home.

She snuck into the bedroom this morning, with a different collar on than when she left last night.

TLDR: thought cat was a stray, posted on fb, took her to vets she was unchipped so we chipped and vaccinated her, she’s now come in with a different collar on than when she left.