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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/UclaDad on 2024-09-06 01:17:04+00:00.

When my mom passed away in2015 I whispered some words in her ear to tell her it was OK that she could go if she was not alone and she did. I saw her take her last breath. My mom used to call me her beloved David because she told me that in Hebrew Dave meant to be beloved so fast forward to 2017. I just met somebody nice and I was really excited about him at work one of my colleagues today what’s going on? You seem really happy and I told him all about this guy. I was excited about and I showed him a picture and my colleague was so cute that this other lady in the office heard this and she came over she said can I see and I said excuse me she goes. I want to see your mother wants to see and I said excuse me she goes. Your mother is here right now and she wants to tell you how happy she is for you that you are finally allowed to be yourself because I know she knows how difficult was growing up, not being able to be honest with yourself about your sexuality and she said she meant a lot to her and so then I was going wait a minute said oh OK one word and she turns does the word beloved mean anything to you I was like oh my God this is all this is really happening how she know any of thatso that is my one experience with the medium