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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/RadicalTechnologies on 2024-09-06 12:49:26+00:00.

So, this morning, I hit a new low. I’ve been sick all week—fever, cough, and feeling like a total zombie. Last night was brutal—tossing and turning, exhausted but not sleeping—so I woke up feeling even worse.

All I wanted was coffee. I dragged myself out of bed, barely able to keep my eyes open, and made my way to the kitchen. Like always, I grabbed my French press, ground my beans (or so I thought), dumped them in, and poured the hot water. I stood there, zoning out, waiting for my caffeine fix.

Fast forward a few minutes, and it’s ready. I pressed it down, poured a cup, and took a sip… and almost passed out. Turns out, my congestion had completely blocked my sense of smell, so I didn’t even notice something was off until the taste hit me. Yep, I had brewed a lovely hot pot of dog food broth instead of coffee.

To make matters worse, my dogs were just sitting there, wagging his tail like I’d made him some Michelin-star breakfast. They were very interested in this new concoction.

At that point, I threw in the towel, cleaned everything up, and crawled back into bed. Still no coffee, but at least the dogs had a good laugh.

TL;DR: I was so congested and out of it this morning that I accidentally brewed dog food in my French press instead of coffee. Took a sip and almost passed out when I realized. My dog was thrilled.