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The original was posted on /r/neovim by /u/HenryMisc on 2024-09-06 09:49:48+00:00.

Configuring Neovim can be both fun and challenging. Over the years, I’ve been fine-tuning my config and am finally at a point where I’m really happy with it, so I’ve put together a detailed guide to walk you through it.

Instead of starting with kickstart and adding my own plugins, I took a lean approach - starting completely from scratch, while borrowing some of kickstart’s solutions for the more complex features like LSP. Using kickstart for some plugins has made my setup much more stable and has significantly reduced maintenance, without sacrificing flexibility or customization.

This is kinda what currently works well for me. How do you guys configure Neovim?

So, whether you’re building a new setup or refining an existing one, I hope this guide proves helpful and practical! :)