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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/Artisblarg on 2024-09-07 08:31:35+00:00.

This is a detailed story so buckle up 🥰

I was living in a duplex, my neighbor was this old lady, maybe 60 years old. I stopped seeing her around. She used to always sit on her porch. But her health started declining. She started falling. And then she disappeared, for days, and then weeks!! I was like, what if she’s dead??? Nah. Nah she’s not dead.

Christmas Eve rolls around, and I decided I wanted to leave her a gift on her porch. I made her a lil “healing jar” with some crystals, and a note in it, wishing her healing and a merry Christmas. Even tho the last few times I’d seen her, she’d been pretty cold, screamed at me for not mowing my lawn, lol. But anyway, I wrapped the lil jar in wrapping paper. It was 3am Christmas morning, I was about to go to my moms. I walked onto this lady’s porch, and noticed her cane was just laying on the porch 😭😭 and her chair was knocked over. I got a weird fucking feeling. And then a GUST OF WIND PASSED ONTO THE PORCH. At that point I was really worried about her. I hadn’t checked on her because I didn’t want to bother her, but this was weird. I tried to peak through the window, and I swear I saw a ghost. Looked like her, but as a corpse, darkness in the eyes, just sitting in a chair upright against the wall, staring at me. Freaked me the fuck out. I set the jar down on her lil table, and left.

The next couple days, I called the police to do a wellness check on her. 2 cops showed up, all they did was knock on the door and receive no answer, and they left. More time passes, and I called the landlord, told them I was worried about her, and asked if she’d paid her rent. They said she hadn’t, and they would check on her. They showed up, I answered the door to somebody who told me that she was in fact, dead. So she had been dead in her house for maybe over a month before anybody started to notice, and if it weren’t for me, she would have been there longer. She had a pet bird, who died in there with her. She loved her bird. She was a Buddhist. She shared her movies and old cd’s with me. She was very emotionally unstable, and had COPD, which is probably was killed her. She was found on the ground. There was essentially a dead body on the other side of the wall in my house for weeks. Coincidentally, I was going through a terrible depressive episode that entire month, quite literally bed rotting on the other side of that wall, and I felt dead myself. Everybody asked if I smelled anything…. It really didn’t seep into my house at all? Didn’t smell a thing until they opened her door….they had to redo all the flooring in the home. I have since moved out, but I loved that house. She didn’t have any friends or family really, she said all her family was dead, which is why I’m guessing nobody realized she was gone. My friend and I went and spread cedar around her door, her porch, and the whole house. Rip Gina.