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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/Alarming-Leg-3804 on 2024-09-08 07:07:13+00:00.

I wished I could get help, and I don’t know if I’m here asking for help. I mean, this is the only place I can think of where I can be believed at least, but I don’t know if anyone can actually help me. I have even thought of telling my therapist, but she can’t do anything and she’ll think I’m out my mind. And I can swear that’s not the case.

I’m sorry if this is poorly written, but, first of all I’m not an expert and second and most importantly, I’m too scared and terrified to be able to think how to write properly.

But enough rambling, I’ll cut to the chase. I have a very strong sense of smell, or at least I think other people aren’t like this. I can even smell myself, which I know others can’t. I can tell people’s scent, beyond the products they might be wearing. I’ve had this “skill” (for lack of a better word?) since I can remember. Most people smell like … Humans, I guess, with variations of course but the type of smell is pretty much the same. Some people though, have a particular smell that really stands out and is not like other’s. One example was my grandmother, she had a very peculiar smell which made her stand out from the rest. It was … Unique. She had it her whole life and it was very prevalence when she was around.

Throughout my life I have met a few people with a unique scent just like my grandmother, but they haven’t been many. One of them however, is the man I married.

The first thing I noticed about him when we met 18 years ago was his smell. It’s undescribable, but it was always there, even if he had just showered and used perfume. I got used to his smell, and to me, it’s like his identity. We were friends for many years, and although we always liked each other life sent us different ways and couldn’t really be together. But we always kept in touch, and every time we could see each other we wouldn’t miss a chance. Every time I saw him, his smell was there, and it felt like home.

Years went by like this, until he returned to my life last year. This time, we has both worked hard so we could stay together and we did. We got married. But, when he arrived this time, his smell was gone… completely gone. I have tried to brush it off. I have tried to ignore it or forget about it… to no avail.

The more time goes by, the more I am more scared about this. Where did his smell go? There’s absolutely no trace of it. The more time goes by, I can’t help but feel and think that it’s not really him, but someone… Or something… That looks like him.

This is terrifying. If it’s not him, who or what did I marry to? And, worst of all … Where is the love of my life? How do I recover him? Will he forgive me for believing “his copy”? What do I even do when I don’t even know what I’m facing?