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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/chocolatecaramellove on 2023-08-03 23:34:32.

So, I work in a small office building, and there is this colleague of mine who I will call Bill for the sake of this post. From day 1, Bill has decided that he doesn’t like me, and he expresses his dislike through passive aggressive gestures like stealing my stationary, undermining my ideas at team meetings, and spreading lies about me to the other members on our team.

Lately, he’s been crossing the line by eating my lunch now. I tried approaching HR about my lunch constantly being stolen, but HR said I didn’t have any proof it was Bill so they couldn’t do anything about it. But Bill is the only person who hates me enough to eat my lunch.

Two days ago, when I was making my lunch I put an extra ghost pepper into my curry. Ghost pepper can be very spicy for people not accustomed to high levels of spice in Asian food. I am Indian, and like my food extra spicy so this is a normal level of spice for me. But not for a middle-aged white guy like Bill who lives on jacket potatoes most of the time.

The next day, Bill predictably ate my lunch with the ghost peppers in them. He then became very ill as a result of eating the spicy food, confirming my suspicions that he’s the lunch thief. Bill claimed to HR that I purposely tried to poison him by putting high levels of spice in my food. HR thankfully was on my side and basically said it was Bill’s fault for eating a lunch that didn’t belong to him.

My girlfriend is saying I am still an AH because I knew Bill would eat my lunch and I still put the ghost peppers inside it anyway. I argued with her, saying I am not Bill’s personal chef that I need to adapt my lunch to match his taste buds, and its my lunch. Its for me not him.

So am I the AH?