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The original was posted on /r/homelab by /u/T400 on 2023-08-04 03:14:30.

My company is starting to roll-back remote work and one of the things they are cracking down on is people who work remotely while out of town. For some reason they think that “work from home” means you have to be in your actual house. Apparently the bigwigs are having IT check people’s IP address for any funny business.

We are planning on a visit to my family’s place in Florida over the winter and were hoping to stay for a couple of months to get out of the cold.

Is there a way for me to setup my home as a VPN home base and then route all web traffic from Florida through our home? My work laptop is locked-down and we can’t install a VPN client on it. We would want all of the internet traffic to be routed from my folk’s place in FL to my home. That way my work laptop would appear as if it was connecting from home instead?

Is that sort of thing possible? How would I do it?