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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Wise-Hall2842 on 2023-08-04 03:00:54.

I’m at the vet waiting room with my cat so I’m gonna rush this and edit the grammar later

So I (35f) have been with my (45m) fiancé for 3 years now he has two kids a daughter (22) who’s a lovely girl and other daughter (19) who I’ll call Kim for the sake of the post. Kim has always had a bad attitude to everyone especially me now before anyone assumes my fiancé was already divorced his ex 2 years before we even met and his ex is a nice person who I get along with very well so there’s no hate from her end ether.

Kim is 3 months pregnant and living with us because we have more room for her and the baby, the baby daddy stays sometimes but he has two jobs along with studies so it’s mainly been me who’s take care of her.

So the main issue today her boyfriend came over so my fiancé suggested we let them have the house to themselves and go for a walk, about two hours later I came home and noticed my cat missing who Kim hated and wanted me to get rid of. I asked her were he was Kim said she ran out the door which I knew was bullshit whiskey is an elderly cat who even wouldn’t go out on the porch if I didn’t bring him. So I checked the ring camera and as expected Kim threw whiskey out that ran her off. My fiancé tried saying kim is pregnant her hormones are all over the place and pregnancy brain messes with women that he was gonna bring up getting rid of whiskey for the baby sake anyway.

I was in tears till I looked over at kim with a smug satisfied look on her face I fucking lost it. I got up in her face and scream that she had one hour to find my cat or all her shit would be in the dumpster and I was done being her slave.

She said she wasn’t looking for my stupid cat and back off as she was pregnant, my fiancé told me to claim down and we’d look for the cat

I told him no I would look for my cat and when I got back his daughter better be gone and if he has issues he could go too because I was sick of dealing with his little bitch of daughter who everyone including her own parents and boyfriend avoids,

I didn’t wait for them to respond I did hear her crying tho, as you know I found my cat he was hiding in some bushes it took 20 long minutes to find him

When I arrived home they were both in the living room my fiancé said he wanted to talk but first he said I owed Kim an apology. I told him fuck himself and she better start packing

She’s at her boyfriends family home as far as I know and my fiancé is not talking to me

Update I didn’t think I’d give at least this soon

So my now ex fiancé oldest daughter reached out to me to ask my side I’ll call her Kate she’s a animal lover like my self. Her father asked to stay with her for a few nights because he said I was having a break down over my cat he basically made out the cat escaped and I went after “pOoR” Kim for not trying to catch him her condition. Kate is a very smart girl she can see bull shit form a mile away and obviously she knows her own sister so she called Kim to ask her side Kim was more honest basically her and her dad planned it as some of you suggested the plan was for her baby daddy to take the cat out a road dump but he wouldn’t do it because in Kim’s words he was a “pussy” so they got in a fight about it and Kim thankfully being lazy just kicked whiskey out and ran him out of the yard. Kate told me the way Kim’s talking about me and whiskey even if she doesn’t move back she do something for revenge to whiskey. so I’ve decided to listen to Kate,my friends, the vet, his assistant and everyone here to I called off the wedding which is in few weeks and broke up with my ex fiancé by text I don’t give a fk if it’s immature or cruel I’ve told him I’ll box up his stuff for him and leave it for him to collect in a few days. Don’t worry about whiskey I told my ex call me when he’s coming over so he’ll be locked in a room safe and I’m calling a 24 hour lock smith next

The begging and bullshit promises have already started but my minds made up I’m done being his ATM slave for him and his spoiled bitch of a daughter (Kim)