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The original was posted on /r/nixos by /u/CyberusTechnology on 2024-09-10 13:42:15+00:00.

Hi everyone,

We’d like to share an idea and gather feedback from the community, especially from those working in companies using NixOS.

As you know, NixOS has a regular release cycle with two new versions per year. While this keeps things fresh, we’ve heard from some companies that frequent upgrades can be a challenge, particularly for larger or mission-critical environments. To address this, we’re planning to offer paid long-term support (LTS) starting with the current 24.05 release.

Why we think LTS is good for the NixOS community:

  • Freeing up resources: Companies won’t need to spend as much time on upgrades, allowing DevOps teams to spend more time on contributing to NixOS and open source.
  • Broader adoption: Offering LTS could make NixOS more appealing to businesses that require long-term stability, increasing overall adoption.
  • Reinvestment in the community: Revenue from LTS services will be used to support the NixOS ecosystem through event sponsorships, community-driven initiatives, and upstream contributions.

Key Features of our solution:

  • Security updates: Continued CVE fixes and patches beyond the usual support window.
  • Extended support: Companies can avoid frequent upgrades, staying on a stable version for a longer period.
  • Tailored support: We’ll offer dedicated support options for companies with specific needs.

About Us:

Cyberus Technology is a German low-level engineering & virtualization company with headquarters in Dresden and employees all over Germany. We strongly believe in Open-Source, since our entire code is publicly available. Furthermore, we have extensive experience NixOS, have been using it internally since 2018, and many of our engineers are active contributers to the nixpkgs repository. We aim to support businesses using NixOS while contributing back to the community.

We’d love your feedback:

  • Would LTS be useful for your company?
  • Would you / your organization consider signing up to a paid long-term support subscription?
  • What concerns or challenges do you see with this approach?
  • What specific features would make LTS most valuable for you?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!


Cyberus Technology