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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/q34ht on 2023-08-04 02:08:17.

I (17f) am a very nervous driver. I hate driving. My sister (15f) likes going out with her friends, so I have to drive her. She hates seat belts. She scoffs and rolls her eyes and calls me a “pussy” because for some reason she thinks she’s invincible. She never wears hers, no matter what. There’s been times where I won’t start the car until she puts it on and she just unbuckles as soon as I start driving. I even pulled over and refused to drive again until she buckled and she took her seatbelt off asap.

Two weeks ago, I was driving her and her friend to the movies. On the way there was something in the road. I don’t know what it was because it all happened so fast but it was something big, likely something that fell off of or out of a car. I hit the brakes and changed lanes. My sister went FLYING and slammed into the back of my seat. She wasn’t hurt at all and everyone is safe, but I was shaking the rest of the way. When the movie was over I refused to go pick them up and my mom had to.

For the past two weeks I have refused to drive her anywhere and my parents have supported me in this. She’s missed hanging out with her friends multiple times because my parents were busy or just didn’t feel like driving.

My sister LOVES lacrosse, she loves her team, and it’s really important to her. She has a super important game Friday morning. My parents cannot drive her and asked me to drive her this Monday, but I told them I will not drive with her in the car. They told my sister that she’s responsible for finding her own ride. She said okay.

It’s now Thursday night. The match is coming up and she mentioned me driving her-- I said absolutely NOT! She said I was her ride. I said there’s no way in hell! We argued and eventually she cried and begged, promising me she’ll wear her seatbelt. She can’t find a ride now, she doesn’t want to let down her team, etc. I told her if she flew through my front window in a car wreck and ended up in the hospital, she’d REALLY let down her team, but she didn’t seem to care then.

She’s absolutely devastated. Her whole team is upset with her, plus her coach. I know she’s learned her lesson by now and she’ll absolutely buckle, but I’m just so angry with her because the only reason she’s listening is because she has something to gain. I just keep saying that this is what it would be like if she had gotten seriously hurt and couldn’t play.

My parents are really upset with me and told me I have to drive her, but they’re out of town so they can’t do anything. They spend time and money for her lessons and equipment and games-- it’s a short drive and I have to suck it up because I can’t ruin something so important for her.

Worse, the nervousness has dissipated. I would feel comfortable driving with her because I know she’d buckle, but I’m standing my ground.

WIBTA if I don’t take her?