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I purchased this book because Ross Coulthart recommended Dolan. Reading it I found it a little too much. But there’s a moment that keeps coming back to since having listened to the audio book of Louis Elizondo’s Imminent. In light of the opposition to disclosure, there might be some extremely good reasons why the DoD don’t want the public to know about the possibility that there are NHIs engaging with humanity.

The text is from Chapter 3, pages 110-113 of Alien Agendas.

One Person’s Abduction Experience Alien abductions are disorienting and often terrifying. Here is one, coming from someone I know named Danny (pseudonym),who is highly respected in his community and is known for being intelligent, level-headed, and honest. He also has many years of abduction experiences, often traumatic. One of these occurred in August 2013. During the week before the abduction, Danny and his fiancée experienced a variety of minor electrical disturbances and malfunctions in their house. On the night before te abduction, while they were sleeping, the door to their ensuite bedroom opened. This was a spring-loaded door that made a distinctive noise and then automatically shut. Danny woke up to hear that door open and shut. Getting up to check the house, he found nothing. Although the sound was too distinct for it to have been a dream, he went back to sleep.   Minor electrical disturbances continued the next day, such as toys activating on their own or lights inexplicably going out. That night while they slept, both of them suddenly woke to the sound of music in their bedroom. It turned out to be a musical birthday card Danny’s fiancee had purchased for a friend. It was in a sealed envelope with a push button that was very difficult to push and activate. Exhausted and full of adrenaline, they went back to sleep. Then something entered their bedroom. To this day, Danny has “flash memories of something walking in the room with lights around it." He still remembers the light from the window shining into the room and illuminating the doorway where something walked in. His only word for the being is “humanoid.” He can’t recall any more detail. The next thing he remembers is lying on a medical gurney of some sort and being transported down a corridor. His arms and legs were paralysed, and only by sheer force of will could he move his head slightly. As he was pushed down the corridor, he saw other people or “beings” walking in the opposite direction to him but he was moving too fast to get a proper look and they paid him no attention. The walls were extremely dark in color and jagged like a cave. He didn’t sense wheels on the gurney, only the feeling of being transported. Periodic lights from the ceiling illuminated the passageway.   It was then that he noticed “strange little beings" around him. These were short, gray creatures with wraparound eyes on an "upside down fat tear-drop shaped head.”Their height seemed to be just under five feet tall. Their skin was smooth, blemish free, and felt like that of a dolphin with an oily sheen to it.   Danny arrived at his destination. A bright light shone over him and he perceived that someone was talking to him. He thinks it was a voice in his head that “felt” female. He can’t remember specific features of this being, who essentially was the doctor during this abduction. Interestingly, the being referred to him by his formal name from birth, which no one had used since Danny’s teen year. In other words, these beings knew his legal name, but did not use the one he had been using every day for years.

112 The doctor’s voice was pleasant. “She” explained the procedure and pulled out a white cylindrical object about 15 centimeters (six inches) long and just over a centimeter (half an inch) wide.She told him that this object needed to be inserted into his nose. When Danny looked at it, he told her it would never fit. Don’t worry about that,  she replied.   The device had a single button on it. The doctor pressed it, and out came a very thin, silver, metallic shaft. It had a bright light at the tip. The doctor showed Danny that this extension could be controlled directionally and that it worked something like a plumber’s drain snake. She warned him that the procedure would be a bit uncomfortable but that he would be okay. She actually asked him if he was alright with her going ahead with the procedure. Later marvelling at how compliant he was throughout all of this, he said yes. The probe then entered his right nasal passage. It turns out this was good, because his left passage had a deviated septum and a bone spur, and going through there would probably have caused unbearable pain. Even so, the procedure was uncomfortable, and Danny felt at the time that the device was going behind or around his eye. He later learned this probably wasn’t the case, as nerves in the nasal cavity can trigger such sensations.   But the probe was going very deep into Danny’s nasal cavity. He was desperately hoping it would be over soon. The doctor asked him how he was feeling. Uncomfortable, he said, but still okay. She then told him the next part might be more uncomfortable for him but then the whole procedure would be over. Danny braced himself. He now felt the instrument go far deeper. This was becoming genuinely painful, he told the doctor in a panicked voice. She remained calm and told him, “just a little bit more and a little bit longer.” The probe went much deeper still. Danny said the probe had now gone “significantly” deeper. He felt it break something and reach into his brain.   Then he screamed. “I can honestly say I have never screamed like that before in my life,” he said. “It was a pure, primal scream full of fear and pain and all I could think, beside the white-hot pain, was they lied to me, it hurts, they lied,they’re liars! I’m going to die!"   Meanwhile, his alien doctor and the short grays around him were completely calm. The doctor motioned to the grays, and one of them walked behind Danny and placed a hand on either side of his head. The pain instantly vanished. Following that, he appears to have passed out. He felt hazy when he woke up, very much like a post-operative patient. He looked over to one side and saw a small gray next to him performing some task. Then he faded out again. When he regained consciousness a second time, there was a man-a normal looking human being-in a "full-dress, olive-green military uniform.”The man had light gray hair cut short in a military style, and a bushy light gray moustache. He was probably in his 50s or 60s, and had a colorful array of medals on his chest in addition to more military ribbons then he had every seen on a military person, covering almost his entire pocket.   This man was staring at Danny. He might well have been speaking to him, but all Danny can remember himn saying was that he would have no memory of this event. Danny replied, “I will remember you."Danny’s next memory is of waking up in his bed and experiencing the worst headache of his life, as well as a major sinus infection. For the next two weeks, something in his nasal a nerve, triggered and pulsed up to twenty times before stopping, only to fire off again randomly. One strange thing about this is how the pulsing migrated over the two weeks. At first it was centered half way up his nose, but it moved higher and higher over the next two weeks until it was over his right eyebrow. Eventually it stopped. Another odd symptom was a constant watering of Danny’s right eye. The simple act of pressing his right cheek would cause tears to spill out.

By a stroke of luck, Danny was able to see a doctor within days of his abduction. The doctor confirmed that he had severe sinusitis, something Danny had never gotten before but which he now suffers from regularly. A CT scan was taken in order to help determine any cause of the problem, but nothing unusual was noticed. Unfortunately for Danny and many others like him, this is simply one of countless ordeals he has gone through. He never asked for this, but the beings responsible have made their own decisions.Those who are skeptical of Danny’s story, or think it the result of fantasy or confabulation, should know that it has been repeated in one form or another by many other people. It is just one drop in a large bucket filled with similar stories.