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The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/the-emotional-emu on 2023-08-02 01:12:08.
A number of apps that I found interesting just won’t work on my phone since it is not rooted. I’ve heard of the app Shizuku, which allows you to use some specific apps without rooting the phone, however it doesn’t work with all of the apps I need.
I was wondering what is the safest way to root an Android device? I have several concerns, the primary ones being phone warranty and overall security.
I’ve never rooted a phone before, so I’m nervous because I couldn’t find many detailed instructions. I’m a Linux user, and virtually all of the videos I’ve found show how to do it on Windows.
Also, is there a fast / easy way to root / unroot your phone and would unrooting give me my warranty back?