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The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/IndustryExpert9396 on 2023-08-03 20:27:49.

Hi, on a phone on which access to wifi and data is broken, I sideloaded 2 navigation apps :

  • OsmAnd #OsmAnd
  • OrganicMaps #OrganicMaps

Both rely on OpenStreetMap maps. However,

  • launching OsmAnd prompt me to a page saying “no internet connexion”, hence me skipping download and landing on a map with big city names (according to my GPS coordinates) but blank content (no lines)
  • launching organicmaps, I get the same issue, it prompts me to download the World map, but the phone isn’t able to do so.

So my simple question is, is there a ressource out there, telling us what file format each navigation app needs the map to be, and in which folder to inject it ?