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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/No-Flow7434 on 2024-09-13 04:14:19+00:00.

Last night, I was sitting in my bed at 1 am, scrolling through my computer and watching porn. My entire family was asleep, but I was still nervous I would wake someone up, so I ended up turning the brightness and volume down really low because I broke my airpods.

Anyway, while I’m in bed, I hear a sound outside my door. Naturally, I use all my remaining one-am energy to rush to close my laptop as fast as I can. Forgetting to cross out of the tab. It would be open if you’d open up my computer. Turns out, it was just my dog moving in the other room.

The next day, I’m at my high school. Just minding my own business. When all of a sudden I’m in my photography class and we need to get our computers out to answer an in-class activity. I had forgotten about my escapades the night before, so I opened up my computer, and…it was dead. Or what I thought was dead. I told my teacher, and he let me grab a spare computer to answer my questions.

That night, I have an insane amount of work including an essay to write. I plug in my computer. Press the button like three times. It’s still not working, and I still haven’t remembered the fucking nasty porn that was playing on my computer the night before. Now I’m freaking out, because I think that my computer’s broken- all of my homework has to get done on the computer.

That’s when I remember the porn, and alas, my face contorts into something remebling an eldritch horror monster. Here’s where I make my decision: do I ask to get my computer fixed, risking my parents seeing the nasty shit that I watch?

Or do I suffer through it like a real one?

I start freaking out. I text my friends asking what the fuck I do. I pace around the room like a crazy person, hands in hair and everything. My mom’s making dinner and she sees me freaking out. Heart dropping down to below my knees, I answer with a sigh.

I’m so, so, enormously fucked.

But I have to get my computer fixed. I explain my situation (minus the one-am porn) and my mom walks over to my computer. My breath hitches. My dad is a computer guy, so I know he’s the one who’s going to fix it, so I work myself up to telling them, “hey guys, so there might be a little bit of porn on my computer…”

My mom asks, “have you tried adjusting the brightness?” and she touches my brightness adjustor.

Norah Jones is playing. There’s a faint smell of onions wafting around the room. And there, in all its glory, is a full-screen image, sound off, of people fucking each other.


TLDR; watched some porn, thought my computer was broken and my mom tried fixing it; she turned the brightness up and there was the full glory of my 1-am rabbit hole.