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The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/2weekoldpickle on 2024-09-14 12:08:05+00:00.

Howdy all, chapter 4 has arrived after a long 21 days. A lot has been happening as classes begin to pick up again. Still keeping up with my schedule, we will see how much longer that lasts lol. I love reading all the comments you all leave, It truly means the world to me! As always, remember to lock your sheds!

If you are taking the time out of your day to read this post, thank you. If you give me feedback that can be used to improve a skill I’m new to, I thank you sincerely. Enough rambling and I hope that you have a good day.

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Chapter 4: “You’re welcome.”

NOTE: All metrics of time and distance have been translated into human equivalents.

Jarekk – Glorbian Husband, Farmer, Father – Age: 39

Roughly 16 hours and 45 minutes after impact.

My gray tractor shed lies before me, now a graveyard to 4 gryneers. It’s funny how fast everything can change. Not even 2 hours ago I was still asleep, now I had killed 3 predators and watched my son be driven off to the hospital. And here I stood, at the entrance of my shed, carrying miscellaneous supplies for no reason other than my son asking if I trusted him.

What a morning, thank the gods I had a jimpter first.

My curiosity about what may lay behind this door had helped invigorate me to hastily get those wilos some water. Now that I was here, getting assaulted by the fresh scent of dead animals, I couldn’t do it. I stood and stared at the door, trying to listen but no sound was heard from inside. I waited for my body to walk to the door and open it, but nothing happened.

The bandages and disinfectant, the longer I am out here the more likely something is bleeding out.

But then why would my son tell me to do chores first, it must not have been that serious of an injury.

Fair, still it is probably hungry and thirsty, I need to just walk in and introduce myself.

Introduce yourself to a wilo?

If it was a wilo it probably would have yelped or sneezed by now.

Maybe it is a silent and deadly wilo.

Maybe this is an idiotic internal argument that could be solved by OPENING THE DAMN SHED.

I moved my hand to grab the handle; my stomach was starting to revolt at this stench surrounding me which was the final push my brain needed.

Do I knock first? It’s my shed but someone is probably living in it.

It couldn’t hurt . . .

Knock Knock Knock Speaking in a voice that was almost shouting “Hey, uhhh. I heard from my son that you are in there sooooo, I’m coming in to give you some supplies.”

“Ah, ok, feel free to come in.”

The response made me jump as I wasn’t anticipating one. It triggered my translator to automatically and fluently interpret the non-Sowmimean language so that I could understand it. Before I could process all of this they continued.

“Did he explain our situation to you?”

“No, we rushed him to the doctor, he said that you would be able to answer my questions.”

There was a noticeable pause from the voice in the shed. So noticeable and long in fact that I didn’t think they would respond, but they finally replied.

“Is Drekan going to be alright?”

My stomach began to roll at just the mention of anything bad happening to Drekan. My only son was my everything; he’s half the reason I get out of bed every morning. Making sure that I can leave this world knowing that Drekan is prepared for everything this universe can throw at him is my one wish.

He dies now or when the humans invade, what difference?

Every day lived is a blessing, and besides, my son is a fighter, he will manage. Heck, he survived this.

“I think he will be fine if it isn’t infected, he probably lost a lot of blood. When did this all go down?”

“I . . . don’t know how long ago but quite some time.”

I realized how rude it had been for me to forget about all of these supplies I was supposed to be giving this ally. The weight of the plastic basket in my hand was a subtle reminder of why I had come here in the first place. The stench was a further incentive to hurry on indoors.

“Oh, then you probably need some aid as well, I’ll bring these supplies in quick.”

I morphed myself into a lower profile as I swung the door open but was met with a powerful force quickly slamming it shut after only getting it open a few inches. Not expecting the returning motion of the door, I ran straight into it with full confidence. An unrelenting mass of wood left me with a throbbing pain through the upper half of my body, and my curiosity had turned to anger.

“Damn the Gods! Why on Glorby did you do that?”

“SORRY, Sorry. I just, I feel like I should explain something first before you come in.”

The pulsing on my cranium wasn’t winning this stranger any favors, and now they were preventing me from helping them. This is my shed, they are a trespasser.

“Look, this all can be explained after you let me help you out, no one tells someone to bring bandages to a shed if everything is alright. I made my boy a promise that I would bring you supplies in exchange for my questions being answered. I will fulfill my end of the bargain and you will answer things such as ‘Why are you on my property?’ and ‘Why did you slam a door in my face?’ alrighty? The reason I didn’t bring a gun as a ‘negotiation tactic’ is because I made Drekan a promise, but if you aren’t going to cooperate, that can change. Now, let me into my shed.” I leaned back before putting exceeding force into pushing the door open and trying to walk through it once again, this time preparing for the scenario that it didn’t budge.

“Just let me-”

Was all the stranger had managed to say before I threw the door open. The door had no resistance this time, so my extra force led to me stumbling slightly forward before returning to my resting shape. After catching myself, I noticed the large figure to the right of me.

By the Gods above, it can’t be.

A human.

It was sitting there, with its legs curled to its chest, along the same wall as the two doors. Though it was sitting, it was only slightly shorter than I was standing at full height. Its wide eyes were whitish-pinkish and had tiny lines of red dancing across them like shattered glass. As I scanned lower down, I noticed the blood, Gods there was so much blood. Blue speckles polka dotted all over its clothes, letting my imagination run wild of its previous victims. It had pale pink skin obscured somewhat by patches of brown fur across the top and bottom of its head. Finally, I was hit with a stench, not quite as foul as the scent of death outside, but as if some had leaked in, with a hind of strong body odor. It looked shocked at my sudden and loud appearance and hadn’t moved. I was within a foot of the monster, and I hated every microsecond of it.

The appearance of this human was enough to cause my brain to send every fleeing chemical it could to all parts of my body. I need my gun. I sent a wave of power down to my legs in an attempt to run out the door but was grabbed by the beast before I had a chance. I dropped the supplies in shock as it pulled me close. It was as if it was hugging me and then it stood up to prevent me from touching the ground. I was lifted into the air and watched with horror as it used its leg to kick the door closed, trapping me inside here with it. I tried to change my shape to slide through its grasp, but it tightened its grip and prevented my escape.

I couldn’t breathe, not because of its grip strength but because of the fact it caught me. My brain was trying to find a solution, but the control center had already gone down. No matter how much I squirmed or pushed the beast wasn’t letting me go. I was melting and could feel my heart beating faster than ever. I morphed my arms to the top of my head to try and poke at the creature’s face, but they were swatted away repeatedly and this caused the monster to close its eyes tightly and grip harder. It opened its mouth, surely attempted to bite me in two and consume my flesh.


It spoke calmly despite my heart wanting to implode and my body

“You need to calm down, I won’t hurt you, but I couldn’t let you go grab your gun. Remember what Drekan asked you?”

‘Do you trust me or not?’ Surely not about this abomination right son? Also, can they read minds, the gun thing was a little too specific. By the gods, they are even worse than I could have imagined.

I was still trying to wiggle out of the creature’s grasp, “Don’t you DARE say my son’s name! If you touch him, I swear you will feel the wrath of the Gods above!”

The monster didn’t say anything in response but walked over to the far side of the shed, as far from the door as possible, and let me down. My loosely shaped and squashed body fell to the ground with a slap, but the adrenaline pushed my body to form its natural posture in an instant. As soon as I could, I sprinted for the exit before being picked up again by my armpits and returned to the corner. This time I simply stood where I was placed, understanding my fate. I watched as this massive creature twice my height simply walked across the room to the supply basket. Grabbing the basket, it then …

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