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The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/Gericht on 2024-09-15 06:16:53+00:00.

It began centuries ago. Due to our physiology and the fact that our world contains a single continent, we never gave priority to developing long range communications. Our mind was one and we knew what all saw and felt. But as we developed and the laws of nature made themselves known to us, we stumbled unto radio signals.

And once we had those, we just used them to study what the heavens were sending us. It was serendipity that we heard them. At first, we did not believe what we found, but slowly it became clear that someone was sending signals out into the void. Once we learned that we started recording them. Translating took decades, and from it came something stunning. The signals originated from a star at least 200 light years away. And they indicated that there was intelligence out there that was not a single mind.

They called themselves Humans but did so in different languages.  They disagreed with one another. They even fought amongst themselves. But they also invented and sent out so much in different forms of entertainment. Our mind was shocked. But also intrigued. We listened. We learned. We knew that we could not communicate with them, the distance was just too large, but at least we could answer. We chose not to. If we could listen in, who else could?

But we did keep listening. The humans taught us so much. They pushed technologies in ways we never imagined. But more than that, their culture, their entertainment, though often so foreign to us also made us more imaginative. More open to considering a different point of view. Our own technological paths had far more developed to store knowledge, so we did so with the human’s broadcasts as well, we recorded everything and kept everything.

Then it happened, our fears were realized. Just as the humans started exploiting their own solar system and looking beyond, they appeared. A small group of unknown vessels was detected at the edge of the solar system. And humanity was apprehensive but also joyful. They tried to welcome the newcomers. Their contact vessel was destroyed. We watched as the humans desperately tried to defend themselves. The battle for Titan, where they first actually damaged the invader’s ships.

The ambush from Jupiter as a well-hidden fleet in the atmosphere of the largest world jumped the invader’s rear guard and actually captured some ships. The siege of Ceres, where they nearly held the invaders. But numbers eventually won out and after Mars fell it was clear that Earth would soon follow. The invaders, know as the Nogral, made it clear Humanity was to serve as slaves to their new overlords, never to have any freedom again.

We watched. We learned. Then came humanity’s last transmission. Everything they knew. Everything they had discovered about the Nogral and how their ships and even FTL worked. But also, as much of their books, music, arts they could cram in a signal. Sent out into the void. It ended with a simple message “please remember us”.

And as we received that message, we finally understood what it meant to grieve another. Losing one of us was never something to consider, we are one and all remember. But never before had we lost one who was not us. Who would never be again. We learned to yearn. And to regret, what could have been had we but answered? Resolved filled us, we would not let their words be in vain. We would not forget those whom we considered friends.

Our industries were adapted. We built up rapidly and used everything we had learned from the humans, while our own mind altered and improved in ways useful to us. Within 30 years we were ready. And the unthinkable was done. We split ourselves. For the first time since we awoke to sentience there was not I, but we. We left part of our whole on the world, with all of our defences in place.  But we went out into the void.

Even with the new FTL drives the voyage was long, but after another 6 years we had arrived at our destination. To our surprise our scouts discovered that there was a fight going on. We should have known humanity would find some way to surprise us, and their oppressors. But the fight was still uneven. A few seized vessels waging guerrilla warfare trying to wear down the Nogral.

We made ourselves know. For the first time in our long history, we talked to one who was wholly different. We had come to avenge our humans. But now we could do one better, we could still help them be free again. Even though they were wary, and rightly so, they accepted our aid. The Nogral stood no chance. We had built our fleet specifically to defeat them, with all the tricks the humans had learned but had not been able to implement due to the pressures of war. Their lessons worked well.

So here we are. The last of the Nogral have fallen. Your system is free again, though the damage is immense. If you would have us, we will help restore your worlds. We have the ships and engineers needed. But if you wish us to leave, we would understand and will. However, the Nogral tried to destroy your history, to make you forget who you are. You have lost so much. We have remembered for you. We have kept it all. And now we return gladly what we were given so freely. These computers contain all you have sent into the void and everything we learned from it and all we did with it. These are given as a thank you for without your inspiration we would not have become who we are now.


“Transcript of the speech given by mouthpiece of the Fleetmind on the eve of victory after the battle of Earth, often considered the spiritual founding of the Human-Togino alliance”