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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Weekly_Run_3848 on 2024-09-15 05:12:26+00:00.

I’m someone who dislikes bugs of all sorts and cockroaches are the worst. Whenever I see one in the house I make my husband kill it. He makes fun of me for being frightened by them. Seriously I can’t understand how some people handle them so well.

Few days ago we were in the backyard along with some friends. I saw a small cockroach crawling on the wall of our house. My husband gave me a broom and asked me to kill it myself. This was the first time I actually tried killing a cockroach. I went close to it and just seeing it’s crawling movements made me shiver. I tried hitting with the broom but I missed. The roach started crawling up the wall above my head level. Before it went beyond my reach, I quickly hit with the broom again. But instead of killing it, the roach was just sweeped from the wall and it fell on my shoulder. I panicked and threw the broom away. Almost as if the roach had a plan, it crawled down my dress through the front opening and got trapped inside the dress. I could feel it crawling in my bra and I started screaming and jumping around trying to shake it out. I tried pulling and tugging my dress but the roach wasn’t coming out. My husband was dying of laughter. I ran into my house, took off my dress and threw my bra away. This was so embarassing. I hope no one ends up in such a situation.

TL;DR I tried killing a cockroach, but it crawled into my bra and made me go crazy.