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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Spirited-Claim-9868 on 2024-09-15 22:21:11+00:00.

I did an interview for a school club today. Pretty standard, I was asked some questions like “what do you do in your free time?” “Why do you want to join our club?” “What classes do you take and what other clubs are you in?” So nothing I wasn’t expecting. It was going alright, until I got asked some questions about myself. For some reason, I completely blanked out here:

“Do you have any unique skills can you bring to this club?”

“…Uh, honestly? no”

For whatever reason I genuinely could not think of something in that moment, and didn’t want to lie.

The side eye the interviewers gave me honestly made me want to cry a little. Though, it was 100% deserved, because who answers an interview question like that??

TLDR: I admitted I probably shouldn’t get an officer position at the interview for officer position. Don’t do that 👍