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The original was posted on /r/honkaistarrail by /u/New_Car3392 on 2024-09-16 06:41:23+00:00.

We see in the cutscenes where Jiaoqiu is saving Feixiao that at the time of General Yueyu’s death, Feixiao was definitely not an adult. The massive drop in the pitch of her voice in the present day could be taken to mean that Feixiao wasn’t even through puberty yet. Jing Yuan reveals in Yukong’s companion quest that the Borisin attacks on the Xianzhou Yaoqing and Xianzhou Fanghu were only 30 years ago.

For reference, Qingni was young enough 30 years ago to not remember her biological mother at all. Given her current appearance, it can be assumed Foxians have their coming of age at around 30-40 years old.

Huohuo has worked with the Ten Lords Commission for 38 years. It is implied she completed her schooling before entering the Commission since her stories are in a chronological order. There was a story about her being bullied by her classmates over Mr. Tail before the story of her entry into the Commission.

In conclusion, Feixiao is most likely around the same age as Huohuo, with a non-zero chance that she’s actually younger than Huohuo. However, they are both definitely older than Qingni.