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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/KiddCaribou on 2024-09-16 17:40:11+00:00.

Kidd Caribou response to the SEC regarding who is ACTUALLY running the SEC

To the Honorable Gary Gensler and SEC staff,

Kenneth Cordele Griffin, of Citadel, stated that “Markets are efficient because of active managers setting the prices of securities… trying to drive the value of companies towards where we think they should be valued”. [Reference]

I, as an independent investor, was ALWAYS under the impression, or delusion, that the TRUE share value was based upon the volume of investors who ACTIVELY buy and sell such shares. If the BUYS outnumber the SELLS of a given investment, that price should go UP. If the SELLS outnumber the BUYS of a given investment, the price should go DOWN. Pretty basic stuff, yes?? 

However, when markets can be manipulated by “active managers”, where they control the investment algorithms by placing BUYS in the DARK POOLS and the SELLS in the open market, their actions will have an adverse effect on the price of any given investment. This is a correctable issue and such corrective action MUST come from YOU and the SEC staff. 

If this kind of MASSIVE investment manipulation is allowed to continue, the question needs to be asked - “Who is the person running the SEC - Gary Gensler or Kenneth Cordele Griffin”??

I look forward to your reply to these questions and concerns.

With Kind Regards to All,

Kidd Caribou (used my REAL name in the SEC email)

Small Business Owner and Independent Investor