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The original was posted on /r/fighters by /u/swordfishonthebebop on 2024-09-16 07:02:21+00:00.

Let’s just get it out of the way: this game kicks so much ass!!! When somebody asks me what my favorite fighting game is, I tend to either answer with GGST or UNI2. I truly think MVC2 is taking the cake for real, or at least being top 3 without a shred of doubt. And this is coming from a brand new player who loves retro fighters. The art style, the music, and the crazy combos has really drawn me in.

As far as playing on PS5 goes, I’ve actually not done terrible! I’ve had several losses yes, but more importantly, I’ve had a lot more wins already than I thought I would, and this is thanks to the influx of new players of course. I’ve ran into a handful of veterans and have been bodied, but I’ve yet to get infinited so, in all honesty, that’s a win in my book LOL.

I’m taking my experience relatively slow, figuring out the launchers for my favorite characters and practicing my airs. I don’t know a thing about tier lists because at the end of the day, as a casual who is learning, I’m just playing the characters that look sick on the artwork. Wins for me include knocking out at least two characters on the opposing team, or landing a combo long enough to hear the announcer say “Great!”

Overall, this collection is awesome. I’m really glad I dug into this, and it’s a game I can definitely come back to more and more, if not for online than just solely for the fun in training or arcade modes. I’m trying really hard to get my friends to join me in this, but everybody in the FGC knows how hard that can be. At the end of the day, this was absolutely well worth the money, and I hope I can see serious improvement at a medium-skill level within the next few months while making new friends and trying out different team matchups!