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The original was posted on /r/honkaistarrail by /u/Godzilla5131997 on 2024-09-17 00:12:20+00:00.

Honkai Star Rail always has had dark tones in it but for 2.4-2.5, its definitely much more noticeable. I honestly wasnt expecting much to happen when it was first announced but after playing it, it had a bit of a darker tone then I thought was gonna be there.

For starters, if you talk to any npcs to get them to help Jiaoqiu, Hoolay will have them killed. I legit thought he would have them captured at most and didnt expect them to actually lose their lives.

I wasnt expecting to see Jiaoqui let in a near death state from both the poison he drunk and Hoolay. Even though he made it, he still lost his eyesight as a consequence for what happened.

And I sure wasnt expecting for Hoolay to rip his own heart out his chest with blood leaking on the ground. Do yall think this is a sign things will get even darker as time goes on or do you feel this is just a one time thing?