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The original was posted on /r/honkaistarrail by /u/AnalWithJingLiu on 2024-09-17 01:25:07+00:00.

Hello, I have recently noticed that the game was down today, and this is absolutely unacceptable. I put my blood, sweat and TEARS into this game, but for hoyo to mess up this bad and having it be down for this long is unforgivable. What am I gonna do now, go outside? If I have to go one minute without seeing Kafkas personalities i dont think I’m going to make it. I am very scared, very worried, I have been shaking violently ever since, I thought about getting up and taking a shower but I had hope that hoyo would fix it soon, it has been a whole five minutes now, so that doesnt look like its the case. I hope this is fixed and we deserve compensation immediately. I would like a ten pull at the absolute minimum, but I would like a five star, it’s the least they could do with this massive issue. Hoyoverse, please.