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The original was posted on /r/fighters by /u/Dense-Worldliness463 on 2024-09-16 18:23:16+00:00.

Twas fight night, and the pixelated foes

Did whirl and battle in the arena;

All flashy were the power moves,

And the combos fierce and mean.

“Beware the Wazzler, my friend!

The moves that stun, the hits that crush!

Beware the Suplex too, and dodge

The fierce and frenzied Turbo Flush!”

He gripped his joystick firm in hand:

Long time he faced the fierce new challenge—

So paused he by the game console,

And pondered for a moment’s range.

And, as in deep thought he played,

The Wazzler, with effects so bright,

Came charging through the pixel’d haze,

And roared into the fight!

One two! One two! And through and through

His combos struck with thunder’s crack!

He left it down, and with a cheer

He soared with victory’s knack.

“And hast thou beaten Wazzler now?

Come join the cheers, my champion bold!

O splendid win! Hooray! Hooray!”

He laughed with joy untold.

’Twas fight night, and the pixelated foes

Did whirl and battle in the arena;

All flashy were the power moves,

And the combos fierce and mean.