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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/BroodjeMargarine on 2024-09-16 21:32:48+00:00.
It’s always the same story with him since the girls’ birthday. He comes home from work, puts his stuff away, sits with me and the kids for about half an hour, and then he goes to his shed. I am stuck here doing all the housework, while working part time and trying to keep everyone fed and content. I’m so tired of it.
The intimacy is gone. The love is gone. Well, at least from my side it is. He doesn’t even kiss me when he gets home anymore, just the usual and quick goodnight peck. He gets up early every morning so I don’t get to speak to him then either. And even when he’s physically with me, he always seems so out of it. I’m missing my husband, while we live in the same damn house! This is insanity.
The last time I tried to talk about it he kept going on and on about how important his alone-time is for him. Sure, everyone needs time alone, but he goes in there around 3pm, and only comes out when dinner is ready. And to top it off, he goes back in there after dinner! He just leaves me alone with the kids. Entertaining them, feeding them, putting them to bed. They’re three six year old girls with never ending energy. It’s chaos all day for me, without a single break.
They always want to play with me. I can’t blame them, kids want attention from their parents. And I expected him to be a little more involved since he knew we were having triplets as soon as I did. But because daddy isn’t interested in them, they come to me. That’s okay. I just wish they would ever want to do something other than playing doctor. It’s always the same: I am the patient, my daughter Ariel is the doctor. The other two, Adena and Gabriella are the nurses. I have to lay down on the table, and some part of my body has to be amputated. They also need to take a lot of blood for tests and whatnot. They have very… Broad imaginations. They’re good kids, but just a little too much for me at times. I love them dearly. They’re my little angels.
But today I was fed up. Something needed to change, now. It was very convenient for me that my husband was going to be home later than usual. I dropped the kids off at my mother’s place around 5pm. As I got home, I wasted no time and ran towards the backyard. Looking at the door I saw there were three locks on it. So I did what any pissed off woman would do, and got the bolt cutter from the basement. We had extra locks lying around somewhere, so I’d just replace them when I was done.
It was dark inside the shed, and the lamp wouldn’t turn on either. I guess the wires got too old. He didn’t even bother to tell me, he just put down some candles and left it at that. The lack of light gave me the creeps. I figured I would just open the curtains and let the daylight shine in. I didn’t bring a lighter and couldn’t be bothered to turn back. As I was walking on the creaking floorboards, I started questioning everything. Was he cheating on me? Am I asking too much? Doesn’t he love me anymore? The kids? Does he even care at this point?
I opened up the curtains and turned around to see… Nothing out of the ordinary. Well, apart from the candles everywhere. Then I started pulling the drawers of my late father’s workbench open. There was a book in there, it looked old and was pretty damaged. Inside were a ton of vague pictures of goats and stars, with text in a language I didn’t recognize. A few pages had been ripped out, and while observing the torn edges i accidentally cut my finger. As the blood poured on the page I was cussing myself out for being this stupid. Now he’d know I have been in here, and I had a gut feeling he wouldn’t appreciate me snooping through his stuff. As i put the book down however, the text started changing and lighting up. Not only that, but the walls and floors started… pulsating? There was this dark red hue, and it seemed to move around slowly.
As I backed away from the wall, the pages of the book started turning rapidly. There was no wind in here. I wasn’t touching the book. As I was trying to process this, I realized I needed to get the fuck out of here. I bolted for the door, but it slammed shut in my face. I screamed for help, banged on the door and tried to force it open when the corner of my eye I saw something. The candles had turned on. Not all of them, just the six which were standing on the workbench. The book’s pages had stopped flipping so furiously, and as I slowly moved towards it I saw the text glow in a sparkling gold.
“The sixth of June, at directly 6 hours past noon, the offering shall be completed. If not, thou shall lose everything thy possess, even thy soul.”
My mind started racing, and that’s when I heard him behind me. I didn’t even hear him coming into the shed, but all I knew was that I needed to get the hell out of here. “It’s not what you think”, he said. “Well what is it then, Levi?” “I believe I owe it to you to tell you my full name at least. I’ve always used a nickname in day to day life, since everyone would be onto me in a second if they knew…” I stood in front of the workbench as he spoke to me, looking at me with these dark eyes i had never seen on him before. “My name is not Levi, darling. I am Leviathan. And today, after all these years, will be the day I finally get back at God for taking away my body.” I couldn’t quite comprehend what he was telling me, and honestly would have thought he was out of his mind if it weren’t for the color shifting walls and the book turning it’s own pages. “… Wh- What do you mean? Levi what is all this shit, what are you doing in here??” “It’s alright darling,” he shushed, “For you will be by my side forever after I finish the offering. I have made sure of that. What happens to the girls however, I do not know. But I heard Lilith was feeling lonesome, so I can only assume she will treat them as her own.”