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A few of us have been working together behind-the-scenes for a few months to figure out a broader timeline of the US government’s involvement with UFOs/UAP. I’ve felt weird walking around with this stuff, so last Monday, after the revelation about Dick Cheney being linked by Grusch as being at the top of the UFO cabal, and then after the debate, I figured it was time to start really digging in and getting it down.

It’s all broken my brain but is starting make more sense now. Grusch said he was tactical in getting the Magenta, Italy 1933 crash-retrieval case cleared by DOPSR to show that it was worldwide and goes past Roswell. The reality is the Magenta crash-recovery by Mussolini, experimented on by Nobel Prize winner Guglielmo Marconi, and later by the Germans, which was then backchanneled to the US by the Vatican via the OSS, truly sets up the power structure that would go on to shape the US and world following WWII.

I had to finally get around to using the Medium account I set up for this stuff after the hearing, as the posts were running too long for Reddit as I did my best to source stuff and include it. I’ll link to those below. My apologies that they’re a little messy; again, the whole thing has been breaking my brain and I’ll go back and try to clean them up some.

The short version of the narrative is pre-WWII the Bush family and their law firm Brown Brothers & Harriman helped fund the Nazis and got rich doing so.

Then some of them were a major part of the OSS and decided the fate of WWII while also figuring out where the Magenta craft was.

Then in 1947 after Roswell, these same people set up the CIA and hide the UFO/UAP program.

Then George H. W. Bush and Allen Dulles, who was a lawyer working for George H. W.'s father at Brown Brothers & Harriman and then was a major part of the OSS and then the CIA, basically tried to take over the world doing evil shit. And if Dick Cheney is at the top of the cabal now, that’s because he cozied up right alongside Bush and crew back in the 70s and then they both got rich going to war, running the oil business, killing our planet, and hiding advanced tech from us.

Most of those same folks attended Yale and were part of Skull of Bones, which ended up being prime recruitment grounds for the CIA.

Here’s Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

And now onto Part 4!

Now that we’ve covered much of George H. W. Bush’s early days alongside Allen Dulles and the greed and worldwide damage they caused, let’s cut to what happens after.

Back in March 1952, the Air Force set up Project Blue Book, their UFO/UAP research office widely regarded as a disinformation unit in response to an increase in UFO/UAP sightings that year. In November of that year after being elected, Eisenhower appointed Allen Dulles as the first civilian Director of the CIA and his brother John Foster Dulles as Secretary of State. Allen then commissioned a review of Blue Book and held the Robertson Panel immediately in January 1953, which concluded that there was nothing to the UFO issue.

Allen Dulles dies January 26, 1969 of lung cancer at age 75. By the end of the year, the CIA’s UFO office Project Blue Book is disbanded and its secrets go private, likely to SAIC founded later that year.

Before that, the 1960s was a fraught time between JFK’s assassination, the Vietnam War, and the fight for Civil Rights.

It was also the time that George Bush saw his ascension through the CIA, albeit clandestine at first.

If you’ll remember, it was during his run for President in 1988 that UK publication The Nation outed him as secretly working for the CIA starting in 1960 or '61, and that he was briefed by the FBI on JFK’s assassination.

From there, he would rise through the government via special appointments that confounded people considering his scant political career.

Following an unsuccessful run for the United States Senate in 1964, he was elected to represent Texas’s 7th congressional district in 1966. President Richard Nixon appointed Bush as the ambassador to the United Nations in 1971 and as chairman of the Republican National Committee in 1973. President Gerald Ford appointed him as the chief of the Liaison Office to the People’s Republic of China in 1974 and as the director of Central Intelligence in 1976. Bush ran for president in 1980 but was defeated in the Republican presidential primaries by Reagan, who then selected Bush as his vice presidential running mate.

Bush was appointed Director of the CIA by President Gerald Ford following the Church Committee, which dug its heels into the agency following Watergate and Nixon’s resignation. Bush was put in place to tighten the lid on the agency’s secrets, and now we can get to who else in his orbit.

Just today, Ryan Sprague at Somewhere in the Skies interviewed Anthony DeLorenzo of the XpandedKnowledge YouTube channel. Following the mention by Grusch that was brought up last Monday about Dick Cheney being at the top of the cabal, DeLorenzo published this video four days ago:

If you cut to Sprague’s interview with DeLorenzo at around 17:30 here, they get into Dick Cheney’s orbit in the '70s, specifically the Cheney-Rumsfeld-Ford-Nixon-Bush connections:

Dick Cheney started out as Donald Rumsfeld’s assistant while Rumsfeld was Gerald Ford’s Secretary of Defense from 1975-1977. DeLorenzo states that Rumsfeld has had a fascination with UFO subject going back to the 60s as documented in Michael Salla’s US Air Force Secret Space Program Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances Space Force, which can be read in its entirety here:

Rumsfeld was doing his own investigations into Congress about the UFO subject alongside Cheney and Ford in the 60s, and Nixon was Eisenhower’s VP. So there’s a good chance that Nixon knew about the supposed Eisenhower Accords in 1953.

Later in 1961, upon leaving office, Eisenhower made this famous speech about the dangers of the MIC.

Here’s a breakdown on the two years he spent working on that speech personally.

When Nixon loses the 1960 election to JFK, to my knowledge after the first televised debate between the two when voters moved from supporting the gruff, older Nixon to the calm and charismatic JFK, he then runs for Governor of California in 1962 and loses to Democrat Pat Brown and drops out of politics. Republican Ronald Reagan then beats Pat Brown to become Governor of CA in 1966, and Nixon runs and wins the Presidency in 1968.

Oh look, Gerald Ford went to Yale at the same time as George H. W. Bush! It’s also reported that he saw not just a UFO but had an encounter with beings!

And he held the Michigan seat in the House of Representatives from 1949-1973 after VP Spiro Agnew was forced to resign from office and Nixon appointed Ford to replace him. Then when Nixon resigned rather than be indicted over Watergate, Ford became defacto VP and named Rumsfeld as his Chief of Staff. When Rumsfeld becomes Ford’s Secretary of Defense in 1975, he recruits his staffer Dick Cheney to succeed him as Chief of Staff.

So right there, in 1975, we Ford, Rumsfeld, Cheney in the White House and George H. W. Bush appointed director of the CIA by Ford, all following the fall of Nixon because of Watergate. And all a bunch of old school WASP-y dudes into UFOs.

Cut to the story that Danny Sheehan’s been telling lately, that when Carter, who had seen a UFO as a Senator, won the election in 1976, nine days later he summoned CIA director Bush to his Savannah, Georgia to his home and asked him about the UFO subject. And Bush said he’d only tell him if Carter kept him on as Director. But Carter said he didn’t like that deal, and after he was inaugurated, he removed Bush from the position.

So what happens in 1…

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