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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/blovy on 2024-09-17 18:33:26+00:00.

I have a much older sister who is the kind of Mormon that is racing to be first in line for the Celestial Kingdom. She feels perfectly justified in stomping other people into the dust as she swings that iron rod at anything or anybody who gets in her way. Her over the top scrupulosity has chased her children and grandchildren out of her life completely.

She is the master of playing the martyr. She’s sooooo grateful that God has given her the strength to endure the consequences of her righteous judgments and actions. She is eager for the day when her children realize she was right all along so she can smugly declare: I told you so! She is completely incapable of recognizing any fault in her own actions and certainly wouldn’t dream of apologizing if she did.

If you are picturing a female version of David Bednar in your mind then I have described her perfectly.

So how does this benefit me? Well my wife has remained active even as I have been out of the church for 20 years. My sister is the perfect example of how ultimatums will backfire. That tangible example of intolerance and bigotry has created enough space for my marriage to thrive despite the religious divide. My wife and I often express the idea that a relationship with our own children is far more important than arbitrary check boxes of how we think they should live.